It's All My Fault

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This is another edit I made, and I'm really proud of it:) Feel free to check it out and maybe watch my other edits too! 

Peter injured after his battle with Toomes and Tony blames himself.

Tony hadn't meant to be so hard on the kid. He was just so scared of losing him, not that he would ever admit that out loud. So in typical Tony Stark fashion, he expressed his emotions in the only way he knew how. Yelling.

He honestly hadn't intended to take the suit away from Peter. It was more of a heat of the moment thing. Peter had only been trying to do the right thing. It wasn't like he was trying to split the ship in half on purpose. But none of that seemed important to Tony at the moment. Peter had lied to him and almost died. So he did what seemed to be the only option and took away the suit. Maybe now Peter will stay out of danger.


Pain. That was the only thing Peter Parker knew at the moment. Not only did he have an entire building crushing him, but he had no suit to protect him from the sharp and ragged debris cutting into his back.

As he lay there helpless, Mr. Stark's words from earlier flooded his mind.

"If your nothing without this suit, then you shouldn't have it."

Peter needed to prove Tony wrong. He needed to show him he was something without the suit that he was good enough.

"C' mon on, Peter!" he grunted with the effort of pushing the debris off his body. "C' mon, Spider-Man! Come on, Spider-Man!"

And with one final push, he was free.   After he had caught his breath, he quickly swung off to stop Vulture once and for all, to prove to Mr. Stark that he didn't need the suit to be a hero.


Peter stared in horror as the ground grew closer with every passing second.  This is not how Peter imagined himself dying.  In a few moments, he would crash to the ground along with the multi-million dollar jet containing the Avengers most prized and dangerous belongings.  

Peter squeezed his eyes tight and let out a frightened scream as the plane came crashing down on the sandy ground.  Peter was jolted forward from where he had been gripping onto the wing of the jet for dear life and hit the ground hard.  His momentum kept him rolling and bouncing along with the wreckage of the destroyed aircraft.  Each time his body smacked the ground, it sent bolts of pain shooting down his spine.  If he ever survived this, he would be sore for the next couple of months.

The plane, along with Peter's battered and bruised body finally came to a halt.  Peter slowly and painfully sat up, struggling to take off his makeshift mask.  He took in the damage and ruins that surrounded him, trying to ignore the ringing in his ears and the pounding in his skull as he stood up.  

He tried his best to scan the wreckage for any signs of Toomes when seemingly out of nowhere the man in question came flying at the boy and smacked right into his already frail and broken body.  

Peter stood back up as quickly as his injured body would allow him to.  He stood watching Vulture's busted wings spark as they began to take off again.

"Hey Pedro," Toomes sneered in a deep, cold voice.  

Peter saw Vulture's next attack before it happened thanks to his spidey senses, and quickly ducked and rolled out of the way of the giant metal wings.  He tried to shoot off a web and attach himself to Toomes but thanks to his probably broken wrist he ended up missing by just a few inches.  Vulture quickly took the window of opportunity and wrapped a cold metal talon around the boy's torso.

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