Chapter 6 Grief and Hope

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Isane's POV

   As we ran through the Precipice World, I didn't have the heart to tell Rukia what I had found. We found no survivors, only bodies. We finally arrived at Urahara's.

"Here, Iba-san." Tessai said grabbing his arm, before Iba could protest. Isshin looked around and looked into my eyes.

"Is this it?" he asked. I nodded, unable to stop the sobs coming.

Rukia's POV

   I watch as Yourichi comforted her, as tears were pouring down her cheeks. Pretty soon, everybody was in grief, even the men. Iba constantly rubbed his eyes as I told him about Komamura taicho.

"We can't lose hope." Hitsugaya taicho said as he tied Hinamori's ribbon to his zanpakuto "The others wouldn't want to see us crying and weeping. We have to be strong, and follow the code."

We all just nodded, and bowed our heads in silence, until Ichigo and the others returned. 

"So how much survivors did you guys find?" Renji said as they sat exhausted on the ground watching Urahara close the Senkaimon. 

"Iba and Yachiru." I said, as his eyes widens. 

"That's it? Nobody else." Ishida said.

"Yeah." I replied. Ichigo, Renji and Ikkaku swore quietly, as I looked around. So this was it, we were the last of the shinigami of Gotei 13. We all went upstairs and sat around the extra huge table.

"There were a lot less surviovers than I hoped for." Urahara said. Yachiru kept crying, as she ate her lollipop whispering for Zaraki taicho.

"We are the last of the shinigami of the Gotei 13, most likely. We do not know if some of the other shinigami managed to find a way out of Seireitei." Urahara said "Would anybody like to say a few words?"

"I do. Rukia, I'm sorry I ignored you, but I was upset. I-I-I found Kiyone and Sentaro." Isane whispered "Th-they were side by side, and probably went down together. Like how they always did. I couldn't find Ukitake taicho though."

I sobbed and hugged Ichigo who was right next to me.

"Anybody else?" We all shook our heads, while I rubbed my eyes on my sleeve.

"Okay, now we have to figure out a plan. Step by step basis." Urahara said "And I already know you guys want to go back to Seireitei and take it from Aizen and Hueco Mundo. But you are not strong enough, both in power and in numbers."

"Then we can train then. You have the biggest basement in the world practically." Yumichika said "And it's not beautiful."

"Thanks for the comment, but that means I have to make it bigger, which is a lot of work. But the main part I'm worried about is where you will sleep. I'm not exactly a hotel." Urahara said sheepishly.

"They can come to my place, and go over here to train." Orihime said "I live alone, but I have 3 rooms altogether."

"Sorry, but I can't have anybody come over. Shinigami after all are my enemy's." Ishida said adjusting his glasses.

"Then why the hell did you come with us to Seireitei?!" Ichigo shouted.

"I wasn't in Seireitei, nor am I here today. I was at the library researching a book I found." he said calmly.

"What about you Kurosaki?" Hitsugaya taicho said "Do you have space?" 

"Of course we do!" Isshin said knocking down Ichigo before he could interrupt "And don't worry about Yuzu and Karin. They already know about everything, but you guys will have to where gigai's so Yuzu can see you."

So then it was all settled. Hitsugaya taicho and Rangiku would go with Orihime. Iba would go with Chad, I would go with Ichigo and Isshin along with Renji. Yachiru, Isane and Hanataro will stay with Urahara in his extra rooms.

As we walked down the road, dawn was just arriving. My gigai felt stiff, as I walked. 

"Sode no Shirayuki, do you think that this is it. That we are the last of the shinigami?" I ask her

"I believe so, yes. But one must never lose hope. We shall train hard together and retake Seiretei together." 

"Thank you." 

We arrived at his house, and I jumped straight into the closet, despite Isshin's fussing of giving me a room and a bed.

"No way, I've already gotten accustomed to this closet!" I shouted "Let Renji have the room!" 

After a ton of fussing, Isshin agreed. I sigh as I lay on the futon.

"Things are going to be different now aren't they? Urahara said there won't be as much hollows as usual because there at Soul Society now." Ichigo said lying down on the bed.

"Yeah, things are going to be way different." I said closing my eyes.

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