5- Fathers have weapons...and give them to their daughters

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Dad handed me a khopesh.

"Okay Carin," dad began." The khopesh hook is designed to hook other enemies swords and yank the swords out of their hands-"

I rolled my eyes. "Dad, I already know this stuff."

Dad tells me the same stuff over and over again, everyday. He always says you can never be too prepared, but why can't he prepare me against real things? Like monsters and stuff?

I agree with you, Ra mumbled. This is always so boring. You know, Carter used to actually be interesting.

"I need a real challenge," I persisted. "All this stuff is easy...and boring."

My dad nodded and scratched his chin.

I'm never gonna get though to him, I thought. He always babies-

"Alright, vs me."

I blinked. "What?"

Is he serious?

"You heard me. I think you're old enough for the challenge, choose your weapons, let's have a fight like it's a real battle."

I was too stunned to speak, my mouth gaped.

"Y-you want me...t-to vs you?" I managed to pronounce.

He's gonna skin you alive, Ra muttered.

Thanks for the encouragement, I thought to Ra.

I snapped back into the present and looked up at dad. He seemed completely serious.

"D-dad, your like...the second most powerful magician in all the nomes, you'll be the next c-chief lector," I trembled.

Chief lector was the "ruler" of all the nomes. Kind of like a modern day pharaoh.

Dad shrugged. "So what does that have to do with anything?"

"I-I mean...will you go easy on me?" I asked.

"Magicians will never go easy on someone, even a child. But you're strong enough for the challenge."

Dad pointed to a rack of weapons. "Choose one, let's fight."

I trudged over to the rack of weapons, heart palpitating in my chest. He's going to skin me alive.

I gingerly took a staff and wand, as if it was going to explode any second. I turned around to face my dad, who was on the other side of the training room, standing under Ra's crown/basketball hoop. His khopesh was already unsheathed. I owned a khopesh too, I guess I'm just a family girl. But it's not my first weapon of choice. Swords feel weird, bulky, dangerous. Wands seem powerful, radiant and mysterious.

Dad's khopesh wasn't much different from mine: hooked at the top, leather grip, shimmering bronze in the light. The only difference was it was a lot bigger and a whole lot more intimidating.

You're going to get skinned alive, Ra repeated.

"Don't remind me!" I yelled into the amulet.

I barely had time to get myself ready before I heard dad count down: "3...2...1!"

He ran at me at what almost seemed like the speed of light, khopesh raised. I got into my ready stance, legs spread apart, staff firm in hand and began to construct a strategy. Using magic takes up lots of energy, so I have to be careful.

My rod expanded into a seven foot staff. I planted my feet on the ground. But even though I felt ready, I couldn't help but to feel scared. Dad said he wouldn't go easy on me but he's really powerful. He wouldn't go as far to kill me...right?

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