24- Fun Aquarium Dates With Flipper the Turtle!

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Scouring an aquarium for finding something from Ancient Egypt was not how I planned my day would go. In fact, nothing over the past few days is something I ever thought would happen to me. 

"So what could we possibly find from ancient Egypt in this aquarium?" I said, watching Carin scope out her surroundings. Her eyes squinted at every possible nook and cranny of the aquarium but all that surrounded us were fishtanks and rope bridges. 

The entrance to the aquarium opened up to a giant floor with a large shark tank in the corner, a stingray pool to the left, a rope bridge going over a pool full of fishes and several other tanks scattered about. 

I waded behind Carin, who seemed to know exactly what we should be looking for.

"So what exactly should I be looking for?" I asked, "You know, so I could be semi-useful."

Carin stopped her quest and turned to me. "Anything really. Like an obelisk-"

"An oble-what?"

"It's a giant tower with a point at the end. Have you ever heard of the Washington monument?"


"Congrats! You've seen an obelisk."

"Um...okay but-"

Before I could ask my next question of why the heck would the Washington Monument be in an aquarium, Carin turned her back towards me and began her venture across the rope bridge. 

"Hey buddy, heard you were looking for an obelisk," a surfer dude voice said.

I stopped in my tracks and glanced around, there was no one in sight, no one paying any attention to us. My hand drifted down to my pocket where Riptide stayed in pen form. If I have learned anything from these last few days it is that mysterious voices should be feared.

"Hey Carin...do you hear that?"

"Hear what?"

"Hey dude, no need to go coco-bananas, I'm right here!"

I turned to my right but was only faced with the large shark tank. Inside of it though, was a large sea turtle staring right at me.

"Yeah that's me. The ol' green guy. Hey how do my fins look? The nice lady in the uniform just brushed them off for me last week," the turtle must have said as he gave a swish of his fins.

I swallowed, I rubbed my clammy hands against my sweatpants. "How-how is this happening?"

"Dudeeee you gotta chill. You look mad familiar, must be a demigod or something. They're always running around, tearing things up in here."

I turned to face the turtle. "You know I'm a demigod?"

"Sure man. I can see it in your eyes, all sea green. Reminds me of Poseidon. We used to have Coral Beer Floats back in the day with seaweed ice cream. What. A. Treat."

"Dylan? Who are you talking to?" Carin reappeared right by my side and followed my gaze to the turtle. "Why are you talking to a turtle."

"I think-I think he can understand me. And I can hear his thoughts in my head."

Carin rolled her eyes. "Okay. Sureeee. I'm gonna check out over by the seal tank and see if we can find an obelisk."

"An obelisk? What's that?" The turtle asked.

"It's a long column with a tip at the end. We're trying to find one because apparently they open portals to ancient Egypt. Do you know any nearby?"

The turtle swished around himself before turning back to meet me. "Aw yeah I do! Swim by one every day. If you go up the stairs, you'll get to the top of the shark tank, peeking out of the water is the tip you're looking for and attached to it is a long pole made of coral." The turtle motioned his fin to the right of me, where a small staircase attached to the shark tank stood.

My eyes widened. "Thank you!" I turned back to Carin who was diligently inspecting a starfish in the petting pool. "Carin! I found the obelisk!"

"Great! Let's get up-" Carin froze in shock.

"What? What is it?" I followed her gaze and saw glowing red heirlogylphs on the walls of the entranceway. I barely had time to glance at them before an explosion shook the aquarium.

Author's note:

Hey everyone! It's been over four years since I stepped onto wattpad. My life has changed a lot but I figured I would finish up this fanficition :) It may not be as grand as my original plan four years ago but I definitely have a few chapter ideas! I have forgotten a lot of little things about both series so please forgive me if it isn't super great but I'm excited to not leave people on cliff hangers!

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