"When I saw what he did to you I wanted to kill him right there, he shouldn't have even thought of hurting you. I won't let him take you, Jules. You're mine and I won't let anything happen to you. I promise I will protect you." He leans in, kissing my forehead softly and letting it linger for a moment.

My eyes begin to get heavier, but not because I was tired, it was the pills, and I found myself falling into a dreamless sleep.


My eyes flutter open to an empty but fimiliar room, our room.

It takes a while for all my senses to come back to me, it usually does after I wake up from sleeping.

After about a minute of just sitting in bed I hear music playing.

It was coming from downstairs, and it sounded like a piano.

My curiosity was stronger than my instincts, so I pulled the covers off of me, and instantly the comfort and the heat leave my body.

I grabbed a sweatshirt and pulled it over my half naked body, they must've needed to take off my outfit to get the bullet out. Let's just hope no one saw anything, I did after all still have on underwear.

Walking was a pain, not unbearable, but it hurt. I don't remember the feeling of physically getting shot, so I can't explain it. But I'd imagine it a hundred times worse than what I'm experiencing now, and I'm positive that would have been unimaginable.

I had a big limp, causing me to move slower than normal. Of course I expected it, I would've been surprised if I was able to run a marathon.

But honestly I'm surprised I'm even walking. Harry did say I was out of it for a few days, and now I've been awake for about two days since then, so all in all it's probably been a week since I was shot. Which is crazy because it feels just like a couple nights ago.

I make my way down the stairs, following where the music is coming from. It's spot on, every note being hit perfectly, and I know I've heard this song before. It sounds so familiar.

As I reach the bottom of the stairs, I'm almost able to completely hear the piano playing, and now I'm close enough to hear a faint voice.

It's Lay Me Down by Sam Smith, but that is not him singing. Is that...Harry?

"Yes I do, I believe, that one day I will be, where I was, right there, right next to you. And it's hard, the days just seem so dark. The moon, and the stars, I'm nothing with out you."

I continue to venture down further into the house, following the voice. My ears and feet led me to the door that was locked when I first came here, but now it was wide open.

And in the middle of this huge room, there was a black piano. Sitting next to that black piano is Harry.

"Can I lay by your side? Next to you, you. And make sure you're alright. I'll take care of you. And I don't want to be here if I can't be with you tonight."

Is that really Harry singing? It's so unlike him, but I'm watching him do it right now. Maybe those pills are stronger than we thought. I didn't know he could sing.

My mind continues to go back and forth with each other, trying to figure out if I was just hallucinating.

If I'm honest it was beautiful. With every note, especially the higher ones, I got that feeling in my stomach. It's almost like when you get the butterflies when you're about to talk to your crush.

I stand there in the doorway, gaping into the room. That was...amazing.

As he finishes, he sighs and lowers his head, looking down into his lap. I decide I've seen enough, if Harry finds out I'm out of bed and I've been listening to him, he would probably be enraged. He doesn't like it when I get nosy, I don't even want to think about the horrible things he'd do.

Unstable [Harry Styles AU]Where stories live. Discover now