The guilt was like gasoline in her guts. Caroline's insides died slowly in the toxicity, needing no more than a spark to set it ablaze. The fire burnt her out so badly there was nothing left but a shell, an outline of a person who was seemingly relieved to be at physical peace for once and for all, but psychologically, she couldn't forgive herself for having a sexual encounter to whom she had a brewing relationship with whilst carrying her ex-partner's baby.

Before she could ponder further, an arm slung over her shoulder and immediately, she turned to punch Arthur repeatedly in the shoulder. He took the beatings like a man, standing tall with his back straight, though, he did wince, taking note of how strong her fists were, even if they weren't being used to their full capacity.

"I deserved that."

"Maybe you're better off dead!" Caroline wiped away the sliver of tears from under her eyes. "I thought I was within the inner circle of this family, but apparently not!"

Arthur tutted and pulled her close. "Of course you are, love. We swore to Tommy that we wouldn't tell you the plan because you've got enough on your plate right now."

"And you thought I couldn't handle another death of a loved one?"

He nodded, frowning slightly. "What Tommy wants, Tommy gets, and he wanted you safe and sound, away from the majority of the action."

"Amusing, considering I dodged bullets with him in Artillery Square."

"Well, the past is the past. Come on, sweetheart."

Over the sound of chattering in the room, Thomas spoke, drawing the attention back to himself. "Hey! Listen up. Um, before we go and eat, I'd like to say a few words. Last time we were all here, it ended badly."

Arthur grumbled. "Yeah."

"And now, we're in a happier place. That's it. I'd just like to raise a toast."

"Hold on. A few words I want to say from the heart, and this time, you're gonna let me finish, Tommy." Arthur stood as the glasses were raised into the air. "Now, as you all know, Arthur Shelby is dead. 'Cause of that, Tommy's offered me a way out; a new identity."

Caroline's narrowed eyes scanned Arthur as he leaned against the fireplace, but nevertheless, continued to listen. "Start a whole new life for meself. I've thought about it. Made a decision. I ain't fucking going nowhere."

The room burst into cheers, including Caroline who gripped Polly and Ada's forearms, chirping cheerfully alongside her fellow female comrades. Almost instantly, her sight fell on Thomas who stood rigid, a glass of gin in his hands and his signature sullen features. Just then, her laughter faded, falling just as dead as their marriage's vows.

Arthur continued. "Our enemies are gone. Dead, all of em. For the first time since me, my two kid brothers - Tommy and John - enlisted in the Warwickshire Yeomanry, we have peace. So, I think I'd like to make a proposal, that all of you, the Shelby Company Limited, insist that Tommy and Caroline here take some time off."

Startled by the proposal, Caroline exchanged a look of disapproval with Polly who nodded her head, urging the couple to rekindle their flame. Polly was a firm believer that one chance was all it took to reclaim love, and surely, if the dynamic duo took the time and played their cards well, they'd fall back together again. It would take a lot of effort, but for the sake of their family, the majority of people in the room were sure that Caroline and Thomas could make it work again.

"Time you put your feet up, both of you." Arthur gave a pointed look to his brother and best friend. "War's over. No-one wants to kill us. To peace."


Rumours were flying thin and poured down Caroline's ears like quicksand. Could it be true that Thomas Shelby ended Alfie Solomons life over infidelity, or was there more than met the eye when it came to their unsettling business? Regardless of the swirling thoughts in her head, Caroline collapsed, absorbed by complete darkness, only to awaken in an all too familiar situation.

The acrid smell of stale gunpowder enveloped her nasal cavities. The war has grudged on for more than two years now, and yet, she was back in the hellish reality she once had been captured in.

Her sanity was on the verge of extinction. Perhaps that was a good thing. At the very least, she'd be allowed to leave this nightmarish dysphoria. As she looked around, all she could see was stray limbs and dead creatures - once fine young men, who now are no longer recognisable as human. Then the gunfire starts.

She could see their faces - all of them. Her father, brother, Collin, John, Alfie, and everyone else she'd lost, including the ones who remained alive.

For miles, all she could hear were the screams from Flanders Field, and when she shuddered, peering down to the ground, she saw the white and blue nurses gown she wore, the hems coated with finely clawed fingerprints, and further, the corpses of her beloved relatives. They had begged her for help, but she had been too selfish to notice. And as a result, they were gone, all without a goodbye.

Caroline lay on the ground, her face closed in a grimace, skin pale and clammy. Every few minutes she would scream, not like one of the actors in the silent films being tortured, but worse. It had a raw quality, the realness of a person consumed by a pain that knew no end or limit. Then she would go quiet, just panting.

She had a continuous saviour, though. The same woman who pulled her out of her several ruts burst through her bedroom door, only to falter at the sight of Caroline, swimming in a pool of blood that poured through her trousers, writhing in shell shock, somehow coming to the conclusion that, possibly this time, there were no ways to save her from this pit of treachery.

"Oh, love." Polly cried aloud, falling to her knees to pull Caroline in between her legs, frantic and urgent. "Arthur, call an ambulance before we lose both Caroline and the baby!"

𝘿𝙞𝙨𝙨𝙞𝙙𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝘿𝙪𝙤 ; 𝙏𝙝𝙤𝙢𝙖𝙨 𝙎𝙝𝙚𝙡𝙗𝙮 [ BOOK 2 ]Where stories live. Discover now