Chapter 19

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  • Dedicated to FANSILOVEYOU

After this whole fiasco had gone down after the last two months, things seemed to have calm down. The new kids were actually apart of some big quest to save the world and were currently building a huge ship to go to New Rome and help defeat Gaea. The only major thing that had gone down so far was an Athena kid figuring out that Terra's name was the Roman counterpart for Gaea, for a week or two a huge number of demigods, well, 99% of the camp, thought she was maybe a host or somehow connected to Gaea, even Gaea herself. She wasn't, thank the gods or it would have been a huge mess. It turned out she was wrong. Guess they weren't all that smart.

Cher and her mom had also decide to move in since her and my dad were now married. It wasn't all that bad, except for the fact that Cher took about thirty minutes in the bathroom every morning before deciding on how to do her make-up. At least me and Cher no longer hated each other or else I would've gone crazy by now.

Besides that everything was smooth sailing for the last two months. Did I forget to mention, today was the first day of school? Time had flown and at this very moment I was standing in front of the mirror contemplating on whether or not I should go with wearing my dark blue jeans or my light ones. Oh was life hard. I decided to go with my the dark jeans and threw them on. I finished getting ready  walked down the stairs. To my surprise Connor was sitting at the kitchen table.

" What are you doing here?". I asked as I dug through my fridge wondering where my fruit salad I had made was.

He shifted around in his chair for a bit before turning to me. " Travis told me to come and get you but the door was unlocked so I let myself in. By the way that fruit salad in the fridge was great, I hope you didn't need it ".

" Oh...Well there goes my breakfast... ". He gave  me a sheepish smile and mumbled sorry. I  grabbed a yogurt in annoyance knowing I would be hungry soon. I rested against the counter as we waited in awkward silence not knowing what to say.

" So...". He ran his hands through his hair and leaned back in his chair.

" So...". I tried to look anywhere but him.

" You know, I'm glad that you're dating Travis, he's much smarter now."

"...What?" Was I confused right now? You bet I was.

" Well.." He moved his hands around in a sort of awkward gesture as he tried to explain his thoughts. "Before you guys started dating, he was stupid, now he's less stupid."

 " You know... now that you mentioned it I can see it now..." I let out a small laugh and fiddled with the ends of braid, I made a mental note to get a hair cut soon, my split ends were starting to peak threw.

" You got that right! ." He chuckled.

" The other day he asked me why glue didn't stick inside of a bottle ".

 Connor doubled over in laughter and grabbed onto the counter top to make sure he didn't fall out his chair. " It's OBVIOUSLY air-dry!".   I laughed along side with him as we reminisced on  backwards comments Travis had previously said. Who new that I would be currently making fun of my boyfriend (In a totally nice way though) with his brother? At least I was getting along with him.

" What are you guys laughing about " Travis asked as he strolled into the kitchen and took a seat next to Connor.

"You" I giggled. He rolled his eyes in annoyance and retorted, " Yeah well,  I have plenty of stuff about Connor I could share that would have you laughing in pain by the end."

" Jealous much?" Connor said.

Travis leaned back in the chair, looked Connor up and down and huffed out, " Definitely not."

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