The dream?

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This is my first story on this site so yeah.. enjoy it :3

Reader P.O.V

On my hand i´m pulling a friend of mine, Levi. We knew each other since we were kids. Our parents were good friends and have let us play together. The colossal titan had broken the walls and the many titans from outside are coming in. We fled to the boats. Shortly before we met Levi´s parents who were calling to us, 'we should flee to the boats my parents are there waiting for us.' After that they were eaten by a titan. I pulled levi away before he could see what is happening. When we have reached the boats I searched everywhere for my parents but they were not there.

"Levi I can´t find my parents!", I scream.

"(Y/N), they must be here! Let us ask the soldiers!"
Levi dragged me to one of the Soldiers who was waiting in front of the boats. "Hannes, have you seen (Y/N) parents?" Hannes looked at us in shock until he finally whispered: "They are not here. They are helping evacuate the people somewhere in the City."

Shocked, I look to Levi.

Levi´s P.O.V.

With fearful (e/c) eyes she looked at me, tears all over her beautiful face. Suddenly she pulled away from my grip and pushed me in the crowd. I could not escape the crowd and was pulled on the boat. When I was on the boat I went to the edge and looked for (Y/N). When I found her she looked in my eyes and smiled before she finally turned around and ran back into the city.

I woke up sweat covered and only thought "Shit, not again, this dream..."


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