Chapter 21 Trees

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Stiles pov

This trees..

I hate them with such passion.

I don’t even know what is worse, be afraid of loosing a friend or being stuck here myself.

And then we have Scott who try to calm me down, if its works?

Nah I have no-idea

But the thoughts about dying here and never meet Tilly again are freaking me out a lot!

It will sounds like a freaking cliché but when she does something it gets like 1000% cooler. She´s amazing in every way. When I realized I like here its easier to get over Lydia, I really like Tilly but Lydia will always have a special place in my heart. She was my first love and I cant change that.

Im really scared that I will say something that I cant take back. Tilly don’t know anything about Emmas secret and if I accidently say anything about it I will loose two things:

My balls or my head…

One of my best friends

Emma are wondering a lot about telling her but she don’t know how to do. Emma and Tilly have been bffs since like, since the beginning, the beginning of everything. And she are afraid of losing her. Tilly went to live in London for 6 months and when she was gone Emma got bitten, the last thing Emma wants is to loose her best friend and that’s why she haven’t said everything. “Can you have a darker secret then this?” Like Emma use to say. And I understand what she means now… I wont tell Tilly anything about this trees, I will only try to keep her from here, the dark forest is nothing that you play with.

-          Scott stop throwing sticks on me you d#ck!!

-          Can you see anything up there?

-          Ouch!! STOP!

-          If you answer me!

-          Huh?

-          Can yo….

-          I see Lydias car!!

-          Awesome!

-          The queen are here and she brings the saver!!

Jackson turn and get me down.

Jacksons pov

They should be glad that I help their loser asses!

I don’t want to admit it but we need McCall in the team but I don’t really know about Stilinski. And don’t ask me how that loser can get a hot chick as Tilly… Its something going on between them and everyone have noticed it.

-          Ha! Not this time you asshole! – I say when I turn around and catch Dereks fist that was supposed to hit my head. I twist his arm a little before I let go, but that idiot never learn so he tried and jump on me. I just moved and then pushed him against a tree and simply said:

-          I don’t want to kick your ass but if you gonna keep trying to kill me you will get hurt. Okay?

-          You! Youre gonna hurt me? Are you dreaming?

-          Derek, who are in the bad position now? Yeah, right answer. Its not me… Are you gonna stop trying?

-          Peace for now?

-          Fine!

I turned back and it was then I saw something, someone are running around here. I point at that someone and Derek sprint off.

A few minutes later Derek comes back, with a little bag-thing in his hand.

-          Witchbag!

-          Huh?

-          The trees are not the bad ones. It’s a freaking witch running around in Beachon Hills! This is really bad couse she can be whoever she wants. You might see her everyday in school without knowing anything. And yes! Im pretty sure it’s a girl other vice she wouldn’t drop tampons…

-          Maybe we should call Deaton? – Lydia say

-          Sounds like a good idea, can you take this bag and drove by the him?

-          Yeah. Jackson lets go!

-          Can I go with you too? – Stiles ask

-          Yup! Just jump in the car.




A few days later:

Deatons pov

I don’t like the idea of having a witch in this town and especially what happened last time I meet her..

I gave her one change more but that just couse I thought she would change. And I might know which body she has took now. She likes blond girls with really green eyes. And she wants to have a good looking body with small feets. She wants to have earrings and she don’t want to have gymclass. I know all this couse we was cuddle buddies for a loooooong time ago. We almost got engaged before I found out her secret. I would have accept it if she didn’t do THAT horrible things…

I need to call Scott and Emma over. I think that they can be the one to take her down for real and forever. Why I call them and not anyone of the others are couse it feels like they have the control over the pack. Scott are the strong one and Emma have the brain. Of course Lydia are smarter but I don’t need someone that smart right now, I need someone who involves other things and not only “It is like this” Emma are more like “This would work, lets try” And if it dosent work someone always save her ass. This pack are the strongest pack that I have ever meet and I have seen a lot of things!

Allisons pov

Im going home!! I have missed my friends so much but Im going home! I don’t like going with my dad to France to meet other hunters and especially not after I have started dating one. I miss Isaac a lot!

Im wondering what they have planed for Emma and Danyys birthday. But its properly something pretty huge couse I know Lydia. But its not that huge couse Tilly has been able to stop her. Tilly are the only one who can stop her.

I miss my girls. We so need a girls night soon! And Im so happy for Emma, she have missed Tilly so much while she was on vacation. We four girls have an amazing friendship but its something special with Emma and Tilly.

New text:

Hey! Youre coming home soon! I miss you! And the others are acting kinda weird. They need to do “something” but I will find out someday so its don’t worry me so much. That kid Liam that I have talked about  he has moved to Beachon!! And hes beck cuz Aiden bit him a few weeks ago… So if you shot him I wont be happy… See ya soon xx

My answer:

I miss you to Em! I have no-idea what they are doing but I will be home soon so you don’t need to be alone! You must be so happy about Liam. Just point him out and I wont shot him, I can at least try. See ya xx

I so miss my girls now! And I cant wait to meet Kira and Malia too. Of course thay are in our “group” but I haven’t got to know them so much yet. But I miss them too, just not that much as I miss the others.

And what the hell are the trees that Stiles mailed me about?

I so need to come home now!

This feels like when youre sick from school:

When youre in school: Someone drops a pen and that’s the big news of the day.

When youre home: The biggest fight in the hallway, food fight, One Direction have a meet and greet in music class…

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