Chapter 12 The beach

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Update from my phone so it maybe will be more spelling mistakes then normal. Im really sorry for not updating...

When I came home from Dereks loft I packed a bag with beach things before I asked Danny if he wanted to join me to the beach. So I had to wait a few minutes before he was ready but when he packed I eat a few pancakes and then we leaved. Me and Danny was the last persons there but it was only our group there and that's cuz we didnt go to the regular and big beach. When we had puted our things down the other ones was standing up and yelled:

- Last person in the water loses!

- Suuureeeee! (I yelled back and started to run)

- Im not going in the water! (Lydia said)

- Oh yes! You do! (Aiden said and picked her up and then run to the water.)

- Aaaaaaaah! (Lydia scream when she and Aiden get into the water.)

Ethan was waiting for Danny to change and then they jumped in together so they both loosed.

After a while swimming around in "couples" (Danny-Ethan)(Aiden-Lydia)(Me-Scott)(Peter-Derek)(Isaac-Stiles) We decided to playing beach volleyball so we maded teames and started to play. A hour later, alot of sand everywhere, and people yelling at eachother my team won (Me, Lydia, Isaac, Aiden, Derek)

After the game everyone was hungry so Im happy that I was bringing food with me. Alot of food. After the lunch everyone was to full for doing anything so we started to hang out in groups and just chat for awhile before I hear my childhood friend ( Me and Danny havent meet him in a looong time) Liam yell:

- Emma and Danny!!

- Omg! Liam what are you doing here? (I yelled back and started to runnig over to him)

- Im back in Beacon Hills! I will stay here.

- Yay! I have missed you so much Liam! (I say and hug him)

After hugging we walk back to the group and sat down and just talked for a few hours before it was time for going back home.

Short chapter I know and Im really sorry for that. But I ran out of inspiration.

Hope you liked it ♥♡♥

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