Chapter 7

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Hey! My computer has gone crazy so I cant be on the internet. So an update from my phone ♥

Im stuck in a tree...

- Am I suppost to go up in a tree who habe killed? (Jackson ask)

- Yeah! Jackson come up and get me down! (I yelled)
This chapter:

- OMG! You're up there!

- Yeah Im! What the hell did you think?

- Im coming up! Just chill, I have to turn first.

- Its hard to freaking chill when you're stuck in a freaking murder tree!! (I yelled)

Lydia tried to talk to me and Jackson started to turn. But Derek did that to and I was the only one who saw that and yelled:

- Ethan, Peter take Derek down! He is turning and I think he wants to kill Jackson!!

When I yelled Scott and Deaton came and Scott was the only one who reacted on what I yelled, so he tackled Derek to the grund and then the other reacts too and hold Derek down. When I had my eyes on them...

- Aaaaaaaaaah!! (I yelled)

- Jesus Emma! Its just me! Do you want to get down or not?

OMG! I thought it was the tree! Yes I want to get down! Please help me.

After a few minutes I was down on the ground again.

- Thanks Jackson! (both I and Scott said)

- Shut up McCall! I didnt do it for you, I did it for Emma!

- Okey! Chill man! (Scott said)

Jackson turned back but Derek didn't. He wants to kill Jackson so badly!

- Derek! Calm down for Gods sake!! He helped me down and if he wouldnt be here I would be gone! And he control himself now! Not Matt or Gerard!

After I said that Derek turned back and said:

- Maybe you have right Emma, but Jackson I have my eyes on you!

- Okey, just chill dude! Im going home now. Bye!

- Bye! (both me and Lydia said)

We got back to Dereks loft and he wants to chain me this time too.

- I dare you Derek! I dare you! (I yelled at him)

- It gonna happen Emma! We are like 5 people in here who wants you stuck!

- DONT DO IT! I dare you!

- You know Im stronger then you Emma! But Im gonna be nice to Scott! Scott if you dont want my hands on her, come here and hold her!

Scott came over to us and hold me while Derek chained me. After a few minutes I was stuck in Dereks stair!

- I couldnt found Allison! Cuz she's on vacation! ( Aiden said when he came to Dereks loft)

- Fuck you guys! ( I yelled and glared at Scott)

- Its for your and maybe our best! (Scott said and try to calm me down)

- Leave her alone! Im the one who made her and you cant talk to her when she's in this mood. (Peter said, and he made me to a werewolf, Im not made of his sperm)

- But a while after you bite her you leaved her so I trained her! And you can talk to her, it just take a while to get connection! (Derek said)

- She's my girlfriend so I hope I know her best!

- She's my best friend so I know her too! (Lydia said)

- I dont care if you know me guys! Right now Im just hate all of you! (I said)

- Chill girl! (Ethan said)

- Can everyone leave this place so I can talk to her? ( Aiden said)

- Okey! (everyone said and started to walk out but Scott glared at Aiden)

- Scott Im not in to her! I just want to talk! Okey?

- Okey! (Scott said and started walk)

- Wait! Where are you guys going?( I asked)

- To my place (Scott answered)

What do you think Aiden want to talk about?
Hope you liked this chapter


Kick some ass crew! (Teen Wolf)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang