Chapter 13 Liam

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Im really sorry for not writing anything. This chapter is 1800 words on word so I hope you like it <3

I had got Liams address so after my shower I walked over to his place and he had moved here self and his apartment was huge. I helped him pack up a few things and the last thing we packed up was his sofa and it toke a while to fix that shit together! It was late so I decided to stay over for the night, I borrowed one of Liams t-shirts and toke his cover and toke place on the sofa, he was in the bathroom when that happened, after a few minutes he walked over to his bedroom but then he ran back to the sofa and then jumped on me. He toke the remote and put on some channel.

-         Go off me!

-         Nope!

-         Why not?

-         Why should I?

-         Ugh..

I gave up, I never won anything against him, I never had…

After a few hours watching TV I fall asleep.

When I woke up the next morning Liam wasn’t sitting on me anymore, he was sleeping behind me. Then I remember why I missed him so much, I like him so much but I love Scott, its like Liam are that brother that I need, and yeah I love Danny too but everything is easy with Liam, me and Liam has never have a real fight, just play fighting. Danny and I had really hard fights when we was younger, yes I hit him, and he hit me. One of our fights ended with blood everywhere and we both on hospital… We tried hitting each other with our heads, at the same time… And the blood was from my foot and his fist.. OMG! Why am I remembering my and Dannys fights now? I LOVE Danny! I LOVE Scott! And I LOVE Liam! Its just in different ways. I need to talk to Scott about this, so he don’t think Im cheating on him.

After a few minutes just thinking, I went to the bathroom I toke my jeans back on but kept Liams shirt, then I walked to the kitchen and started to make breakfast. After a half an hour I had made American pancakes and some muffins, I had found some berries in the fried that I put on the table too.

I tried to wake Liam kindly but it didn’t work so I put some whipped (?) cream in his hands and throw water in his face and flour, he tried to take it away with his hands… It ended up in a mess, not that I thought it would end in another way..

Liam started to laugh, and then walked towards me and pick me up over his shoulder and run to the bathroom and put us both in the shower…

He sat me down on the floor and said that I would stay there or he would change the water to cold and hold me back there, I stayed..

He turned of the water and walked out of the bathroom and after a little while he came back with my bra and one of he shirts, and asked for Dannys number so he could call him after a pair pants for me.

-         I don’t think I have any clean clothes home, all my clothes is at Scott house I think.

-         Scott? Is he the boy at the beach that looked angry on me?

-         Yup, that’s Scott. Have you some sweet pants that I could borrow today, and when we eat breakfast I can explain who Scott is.

-         Sure.

Liam walked out of the room and I changed to my bra and a new of his shirts, I put my jeans away and when Liam came back I put on his blue sweet pants. I put up my hair in a messy bun and walked over to the kitchen. We sat down and started to eat. I don’t know why Im so afraid to talk to Liam about Scott, does I have feelings for him? No, I don’t. Am I afraid that they will hate each other? Yes, Im! If they do I don’t know what to do anymore! I have already lost Liam once, I don’t want to lose him again! And I don’t want to lose Scott either. I need to talk to Lydia! But I cant just run away from Liam now… Ugh!! I just tell him now! Find confidence!

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