Tower of Babel PT 1

Start from the beginning

"So his plan is to wipe out half of mankind & then rule over what's left? That's stupid," said Todoroki.

"He's not the first to try," H said to himself.

"As for the most persistent thorn in our side, the detective well, distracting him was so obvious a matter, I cannot believe I never thought of it before," Dabi said.

"Wonder who this 'Detective' he's talking about is?" Tokoyami asked.

The screen then showed a graveyard, with Midoriya walking through it.

"Look Deku, it's you!" Said Uraraka happily.

"Why's he walking through a graveyard? Gives me bad vibes," said M*neta.

Midoriya continued walking until he stops. He drops his flowers & gasps. The screen then shows what he's looking at. A gravestone saying 'Here lies Hisashi & Inko Midoriya', but the grave is dug up with their bodies missing.

"Holy crap! Who would've done such a thing!" Said Mina.

"Also, why are my parents dead!" Midoriya said, sadly.

The screen lights back up & we see Ojiro flying through the sky.

"Look Ojrio! It's you! And you're flying!" Said Hagekure.

"That's so cool, at least compared to my actual quirk!" Said Ojiro, very happy to see himself on screen. He didn't hate his tail, far from it, but flight is still pretty damn cool.

"With Batman occupied, our 1st priority is the telepath. You have the tools to trace him. Use them," Dabi said.

"Wow! You're a telapath too!" Said Uraraka.

Ojiro blushed from the girls' praises.

Toga orders her men to fire upon Ojiro, to which they do. Ojiro is hit with many missiles & falls to the ground.

"Oh no!" Said Everyone who actually cared about Ojiro. This was basically everyone except Bakugou.

Because Bakugou.

Meanwhile, we see Yaoyoruzo & Iida running through a burning forest. Specifically, Germany's Black Forest. "Glad you could keep up," said Iida as Yaoyorozu arrived. "I do my part. What do you suppose started this?" She asked. "No one can tell us. Ojiro was the nearest leaguer in this area, but we lost his signal over Switzerland."

The screen shows a man on Fire, which Iida also notices & points out to Yaoyoruzo. They use their combined speed to create a whirlwind to suck out the air, stoping the fire. Then they notice that the burning man is actually Ojiro.

"What!" Yelled most of the audience. "How'd he survive that!" Said a very surprised Sero.

The screen cuts to a conference room, where the people of Rhapastan & Turkey are arguing. Then the people of Atlantis appear.

"Wait what! Atlantis exists in this universe!" Said a very surprised Midoriya.

"Yes, & their king is Bakugou," said H.

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