" Nothing, I'm just bored.-"

" Shouldn't you be in class?"

" Shouldn't you?"

" Touche, so what do you want now ?"

" Getting on your nerves of course!"

" Then I'll hang up, by-"

"Oh, damn it! You never take things with fun, do you?

You remember Dana, right?", she started laughing and didn't calm down for a while. Jack meanwhile buried his face with his hands and sighed deeply.

" How could I forget her? Tell me, I wish I could."

" Yeah, everyone wishes they could forget her...

By the way, she's at my school now!"

" WHAT?!", he shouted so loud that somebody actually fell off of their chair.

" Don't scream so loud, you idiot.

Yes, your shitty Ex is here, no need for you to make me deaf."

" I, I ...Well, I'll talk to you later before some teacher sees me."

" This has never mattered to you before, Jacky.

Did I hit a little nerve of yours, huh?", she chuckled. Just listening to this conversation made clear they were siblings.

" Oh, shut up now! I don't want to talk about this, you lunatic."

"Sure, I could make her life here a living hell if you want?", I loved this girl already...

" Kate! Just ignore her."

" Okay, bOsS. Bye"

" Ciao. You cra-"

The call ended and his sigh of relief was so intense that Ian and I couldn't hold ourselves anymore. We laughed so much that we almost got detention.


" So, Becca, what are you doing later?" , Hunter asked while Aidan drove us home, he insisted that he drove me and well I didn't see a reason not to.

" I don't know, I think I'll study" * cough* train *," a bit later. You never know if you're going to need it."

" You", Damien added," always study."

" And that's good. I want to visit a good collage later, and therefore I need good grades, don't I ?"

" But you don't live! Go to parties, drink and have fun while you're still young! One day you'll look back and regret that you didn't do this.", Aiden shouted from the front.

" You really sound like an old uncle right now.", I just answered, while his words rand and rang through my mind.

While you're still young...



Her words echoed through the empty school bathroom.

Of course very dramatic, but with a tiny hint of madness.

" We need to stop her!

First, she talked back to us, then she hangs around with OUR boys! And now?!

Now she's stealing them from us!

They are OURS and not hers! We need to stop her at all cost, even if she lands at the hospital. -"

" Stacy, I think, well, I think you sound a bit too... too stressed out. I mean-", Wednesday tried to shyly interrupt her.

" Shut the fuck up, Wednesday. Nobody asked for your insignificant opinion!

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