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[🚨: I knw most of u guys got the last chptr's notification, bt I hope u also got 11th chptr's too. Bcoz, whn I look my book, I dnt see that chaptr though I updated it. Jst chk in case if u hvnt seen it yet.]

Author's POV

"You made this?" Jia questioned in astonishment as soon as she sipped a spoon full of the soup. The delicious steamy aroma of the dish was nourishing her nostrills.

"Aha." Jungkook hesitantly nodded, slowly starting to doubt his cooking skills. She simply stared at him before darting down to the bowl. "Is it b-bad? I can make another one if-if you wa-"

"Are you kidding me? You cook better than me and Lisa. Wow!" She exclaimed, "My mom will be proud of you." She praised him, totaly blown out by his cooking skills that she forgot the tints of embarrassment she had a while before in her. Plus she infact was too hungry, and the warm soup eased her cramps.

Jungkook bit his bottom lip hard, trying to hide his blooming smile, cheeks burning as she praised him openly. He have never cooked for anyone else, other than for his mom.

"Thankyou.." he uttered shyly before coughing and clearing his voice, trying to act cool all over again instead of melting at the sight of her digging into the soup he had made for her. She was definitely enjoying it, all the way half into the bowl now.

Jungkook felt satiated just by the view.

"I didn't knew you cook soo well." She said inbetween.

"Well..I live alone. So I pretty much have to do all the things by myself, soo..yeah." He said, gently scratching the back of his head.

"Alone?" Jia lifted her head up to face him, "I thought you lived with Jimin."

"Nope. We don't. But yes, some times he sleep over at my place. But that's it." Jungkook replied, smiling happily as he watched her finishing the bowl.

Ofcourse she's a foodie. Well, it was not surprising for him, for he already knew her love for music, dance, trees, animals, food and tomboy clothes. Above all, for solitute.

"What about your parents?" She asked casually as she finished the last spoon of soup.

The happy smile on Jungkook's face narrowed into a thin line as she mentioned about his family.

"They live far." He bluntly answered with no emotion.

Jia was quick to notice the sudden change in his tone. Ofcourse, she was an observer too, just like Jungkook, the difference was that she was not as obsessed as him.

Feeling her rooted gaze, Jungkook quickly covered it up with a fresh new smile, easily distracting her, "Wow, now wasn't that fast, eh?" he said with soft chuckles, taking the tray with the empty bowl from her lap and placing it away.

His chuckles.

Soft breathy ones. Such a melody.

Those bunny smiles. Such a visual treat.

Jia wondered where did he hide all these till now? Or was it she who failed to see it?

"How are you feeling now?" He inquired as he sat on the stool next to her bed.

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