"Bakugou! Where are you?! It's almost time for us to do our patrol!!" Kirishima shouted from the other side of the phone.

"I fucking know that! I'm on my way there!" Katsuki snapped and he end the call. Fuck, he wanted to go and look for Izuku but he cannot ignore his job.

Goddammit... none of this shit would have happen if those 'bastards' didn't exist.


As soon as Katsuki set foot into his workplace, everyone begin to avoid him due to the murderous aura that ha has been giving off. Anyone could tell that Katsuki is in a very bad mood today and it's the best that they don't mess with him.

When Katsuki approach the counter, the woman sitting there immediately pass him a silver dual guns and a sheathed dagger.

"Bakugou-kun, your mission today will be investigating an abandoned school with Kirishima-kun." She said calmly.

Picking up the guns and dagger, Katsuki examine the weapons carefully. The guns is fully loaded with silver bullets and the blade of dagger too, has silver mixed in there to deal some damage to those non-human beasts.

Anyone who see a teenage holding such deadly weapons would be shock but this place is special. Nobody could have guess what Katsuki's actually a vampire hunter and nobody could have guess that this 'office building', is the hideout for the vampire hunters.

A few days back, Katsuki was involved in a fight with a vampire and that fucking monster easily snapped his guns like it was a wooden stick. It's a huge pain in the ass when your opponent is a pure blooded vampire with special abilities. Thanks to that fucking vampire, Katsuki need to get himself new weapons so that he can get back into the battlefield to hunt down those blood suckers.

"Yo, Bakugou! Took you long enough to reach here!"

Looking over his shoulder, Katsuki saw his red haired partner running towards him. Yes, his 'not-so-annoying' partner. Katsuki would prefer to work alone but there's a rule that all vampire hunter must work in pairs or a small group of five. No one is allowed to work alone when it comes to fighting these deadly and highly dangerous vampires.

The vampires could be watching you from any corner and they can use your family and friends against you. Not wanting those bastards to touch those around him, Katsuki choose to treat everyone like shit so that they wouldn't go near him and at the same time, he can show that he doesn't has anyone close to him. It's his way of 'protecting' those around him but... Izuku's the only one who still want to stick closely to Katsuki and now he's gone without a trace...

Katsuki wanted to believe that Izuku's disappearance has nothing to do with vampires. Because if anything were to happen to Izuku, Katsuki'll not be able to forgive himself for it.

He'd blame himself for causing Izuku to run away from home because of his harsh rejection. He'd blame himself if a vampire were to attack Izuku because he didn't do his job well enough to get rid those monsters from this town.

"Ready to go on our patrol, Bakugou?" Kirishima asked with a grin.

"After I change out of my school uniform." Katsuki replied.

"Alright, I'll wait here for you to get ready."

Without a word, Katsuki went up to the locker room on the second floor. They don't have any special or cool uniform as it would made them stand out. So all they have are casual clothes that are designed under their request and preference. And course, the material used to make these clothes are special.

Katsuki doesn't have the full detail of it or how it works but all he knows is that these clothes are fireproof, bulletproof and the claws and fangs of a weak vampire won't even be able to tear through it easily. There are other functions but to Katsuki, it doesn't means that much. Because there are many vampires with special abilities and to some of them, these clothes can be easily destroy.

The night is darkest just before dawn (BakuDeku!Vampire AU)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя