Cha 47: Dad away from home

Start from the beginning

A hand placed it self on her head. She stopped crying and looked to see it was her teachers hand.

"There's nothing wrong with being weak and scared. You can change who you are by getting stronger but even so fear never truly goes away. But that's are good thing, fear keeps you alive"

"Bravery on the other isn't the absence of fear but the acknowledgment that you conquered it"

Those words lit a fire in the girl. She wiped her tears away and stood up abruptly. Making Aizawa slightly jump in shock

"Sensei is right!" She said firmly

"Thank you" she said as she sat back down

"No problem kid" Uraraka smiled and kicked her feet

"Sensei your like a dad to everyone. Our dad away from home. Everyone in class feels the same way" just then an officer came and escorted her out to her parents, she didn't notice Aizawa with the happy smile on his face 

Eri came and sat next to him. It was getting late she was starting to feel sleepy. And so The father figure placed her on his lap and laid her head on his shoulder. Almight had just arrived, saw the scene and took a picture.

Quickly sending it to Yamada and Nemuri. Nemuri sent a picture of little Izuku and Aizawa sleeping on the Sofa. Yamada sent a picture of Aizawa and the whole lot of his class in a group photo right after returning from internships

You may be wondering whats happening. Well this is 'ERASER HEAD HAS EMOTIONS!?' club. Formed By Yamada Hizashi and Nemuri Kayama. Members include the Shinsou family, Almight of course, Nezu, Recovery girl, and some of the other Staff members.

Wonder what will happen when Aizawa finds out about this little club.

Izuku was finally released and he looked morbid. As though he suddenly signed a death contract. He saw Almight and His father and he looked down in shame

"I'm sorry Almight" the boy apologized

"Don't apologize young Aizawa, if you didn't say what you had to say who knew what would have happened to young Uraraka" the scrawny blonde placed a hand on his black green hair and ruffled it

"You did good under pressure" Aizawa commented

"Most others would have pissed their pants" Almight looked at Aizawa. 'Is he trying to cheer him up?' He wondered looking at his scruffy looking collegue

"Thanks dad" Izuku said smiling a little

"Let's go home problem child" Izuku simply nodded and headed out

Almight is left standing there.

"THAT REALLY WORKED!?" He practically shouted out



Izuku vigilante days

Aizawa POV

So a new freaking Vigilante had just debuted. Man I'm getting Tired of this. If you want to be a hero work hard and pass the hero course and graduate but no you find the easier way out and become a freaking Vigilante.

And from the reports I got from the police the new vigilante was a freaking kid. He went by the name Yami. His usually spotted wearing a black hoody and a tinted gas mask. Bandages around his hand used the same way I use my capturing gear

I ran into the kid once and he pretty much rushed off at an extreme inhuman speed. I thought it was a quirk and tried to erase it but it wasn't. I remembered the scene very clear in my head.

Honestly it was ludicrous to watch a tiny kid take down three men five times his size.  Emptying a metal trash can and then slamming it down on a one the guys head and then hitting it with a bat, I wouldn't be surprised if the guy got brain damaged

He lured the next guy into following him and avoided a hit, but the punch hit the other guy and from there they took out each other

That was really stupid to watch.

I then made my presence known to see what the kid would do. He jumped up high and away as though he got the shock of a life time. He was a few feet it front of me.

He was shivering from head to toe. I took a single step forward. He took one back. I took two, he took two.

We were at a stale mate. A few seconds passed by till the kid suddenly pulled something out his hoody and threw it on the floor.

A smoke bomb. the hell is kid some ninja. I saw him run at full speed away and that was how I met Yami. Now is it just me or did he just our smart four grown men.... When I get my hands on that kid imma gonna strangle him

Izuku POV

Holy shit. Holy shit. That was scary. Thank god dad wasn't expecting that. I made it home in the nick of time to.

The door opened and dad walked in.

"Your still up Problem child" he asked

"I couldnt sleep" I told him. I lied, I so wanted to hit the sack.

He looked at me from the door. There was that look on his face were he becomes suspicious of everything. Shit.

He came up to me and using his height to look over me. He then practically bent at a 90° angle with his hands hanging and pretty much looked into my eyes looking for a lie.

'Scary, scary, scary, get the hell away from me!' i screamed in my head.

"You look like something Aku dragged in, go get some sleep problem child". He ruffled my hair and then headed to his room

And know I feel guilty. *crying anime tears* I'm sorry dad!!!

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