Cha 48: Pool Training

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After the Fiasco at the mall, everyone still had a few days left before the trip to who knows where they will be training

The girls were excited. They decided to use one of the remaining days to train at the pool at school

Of course a purple imp heard about this. That purple imp told the human pikachu and the two devised a plan. They wanted to see the girls in swim suits. And by swim suits, they mean bikinies

But sadly their plan will fail. A perverts plan will always fail. Most times.

And is it was arranged under the impression of using the pools for training. The horrified faces of the imp and Pikachu running straight into the human race car of of class 1A was priceless.

How it began

Izuku was busy doing some homework in his room. When the door bell suddenly rang. Izuku thinking it was for his dad he went to tell them he and Eri was at school.

He was surprised to see it was Mineta and Kaminari

"Mineta-kun and Kaminari-kun?" Izuku asked confused

"What are you doing here?" Before both boys could reply Izuku came to a conclusion  slowly began closing the door

"Hear us out first before you jump to a conclusion, Oi!" Kaminari and Mineta shouted as they held the door from closing

"You guys are not here to spy on me again are you" Izuku asked with a creeped out face

"Says the dude that has detailed notes on us" Mineta countered

"Tch" Izuku gave an annoyed face

"Im going to punch you ya know" Kaminari told him

"Training at the swimming pool at school?" Izuku asked

Mineta and Kaminari held their breath. They prayed the boy didnt see through them.

"Thats are great idea!!" Izuku cheered

They knew if it was just the two of them then they wouldn't be able to get in. But if they had someone diligent like Izuku then they had a chance

When they arrived they got permission

The two were getting excited and when they finally got out of the changing room, their imagination were already running wild

Oh the horror when they were met with a bare chested Iida instead. The two face planted on the floor and went skidding across at high speed

"What a grand idea to have training at the school's swimming pool!" Iida proclaimed as he tried to compliment the two boys

If only he knew these idiots had other intentions.

Kaminari and Mineta looked around and spotted almost all the guys were here

"Since its training I decided to message everyone" Izuku told them with a happy and innocent smile

It was happy cinnamon roll Izuku today

"Aizawa, sometimes you are too diligent" Kaminari cried tears of regret

"At least we'll still get to see the girls..." They turned and saw the girls in school swim suits.

Kaminari face faulted and planted on the floor.

"This is okay to" Mineta looked fine with it

Don't really know who's more of a pervert. The one thats fine with it or the one thats not.

after a while of training everyone took a short break. Izuku decided to bring some drinks over to Iida.

The boy noticed the taller was inspecting his hands. Thinking back now, that battle with stain was probably his first life or death battle without any pro heroes capable of fighting around.

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