Cha 28: Hero Names

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No body POV

Even though Aizawa told Izuku to watch Iida. The two currently had no motivation to get out of bed.

Mic who stayed over in the guest room was waiting for when the two would get up. He waited and waited and waited and waited....

He gave up. There was no way to wake up these two. First he went into Izuku's room. Izuku woke up first then all of them but went back to sleep after getting ready. Hizashi sighed and threw the boy over his shoulder. The boy was in his red paint stained sleeping bag.

Izuku didn't seem to be bothered. Hizashi carried him out, opened the passenger door and threw him in. Cocoon 100%. Now that he thought about, the kid must have been up trying to come up with a hero name.

Now to go get the other caterpillar. Hizashi could have just screamed at them, but when they are in cocoon 100% mode then there's no way to get them out.

Aizawa was heavier than his son. Mic had to drag him out. Threw him in the front passenger seat. And then get in the driver seat.

"The things I do for you guys" he huffed as he started the car

The whole of class 1A sat and waited for their teacher to arrive. They knew if he were to arrive then Izuku too.

They waited and waited...

Some of them began to worry.

"Hey what happened to Aizawa and Aizawa" surprisingly it was Todoroki who asked

"Dude use some honorific" Kaminari replied

"The bastards are probably sleeping their asses of some where" Bakugou commented

"Then lets have a bet" Kaminari added

"I say they got kidnapped" Kaminari said

"They got sick" said Kirishma

"They're bailing" said Sero

"They're just sleeping their ass of in their damn cocoons" Bakugou ended it

The door slid open and what they thought to be their teacher and classmate was actually their English teacher and two body bags...

The class stared with blank stares. "Sensei?" Ojiro said raising his hand

"Are those who we think it is" he asked.

Thank you Ojiro. The whole class thought. Thank for asking what we dreaded to ask

"100% cocoon mode" Mic huffed

"Welp... I did my part. You kids try to wake them up now" Mic said leaving the class to head to his

The class dreaded what would come.

They all had horrible memories from waking up the Aizawa's.

The locker incident. That was something many of them didn't want to repeat.

To their relief Izuku began to stir awake and morph into the beautiful butterfly. Not.

"Guess we're at school" he said sounding annoyed.

He took out his phone. Did something with it and then sat on the floor.

'meow!' 'meow!' Came from his phone

The zipper of the yellow sleeping bag became undone. Just a quarterly.

A hand reached out looking for the source of the sound.

When the hand got close to the phone, Izuku moved it further away and increased the volume.

The zipper was now half way open. The whole hand now reaching out to look for the source.

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