Cha 15: USJ

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No body POV

Mr Aizawa had informed the class that they were heading to the unforseen simulation joint. Which was basically the USJ.

Izuku was thinking about the villains. What they might do and so fort. He thought about the murder of his parents. About the man that had killed his parents. He remembered how that said man had come to his home through a purple mist. Aizawa had done everything he could find this villain. Everyone had given up on the case but he knew that his pro hero father didn't.

The said man had fallen asleep on the bus and Izuku wanted to also go to sleep but he decided to focus on his friends.

"Aizawa-chan you and sensei are really alike" Asui Tsyu said with a finger on her chin. "I'll say this ahead, I always speak my mind so don't get offended okay"

Everyone was chatting along and then getting to know each other. "Yeah man, your quirk is quite manly, you could just get everyone into a fist fight were everything would be fair" Kirishma exclaimed

"My quirk isn't that flashy and kinda looks plain" he said hardening his hand

"No, no, I think it passes on as a pro" Izuku said beaming. He then noticed that Kirishma's hardening was similar to his.

"Hey could you teach me how to do that" he asked his classmate

"Oh yeah you have a hardening quirk as well, what was it called, razor extend"

"If you all are talking about flashy quirks then Bakugou and Todoroki are top on the list"

"But with Bakugou's personality he'll never be popular"


"See" Asui said causing everyone to laugh

"It's only been a short while but it's seems we already know Bakugou's personality is steep low in sewerage" Kaminari said about the exploding boy


"Everyone is teasing Kachan" Izuku though. 'that's U.A. for you, they're the best of the best' he thought.

"By the way Aizawa-chan what's up with your quirk. It's like you have more than one" this perked a certain dual coloured boys interest

Izuku looked for a way to answer and seemed to be coming up with none. "We're here" he was saved by the caterpillar

They walked out the bus and came to the USJ and a pro hero in charge of it was there to greet them.

"No. 13!" Ururaka rejoiced as she saw the space hero. "You like him too" Izuku asked going up to her.

"Yes since we both have gravity type quirks" she said happily.

The class stood attentively as they listened to what their teachers were saying. "Firstly I'll have tell you one, or two, three, four, five..."

It's increasing the whole class thought. Something didn't sit right with Izuku he looked around. At the base near the shipwreck zone, he saw a purple mist appear. If he wasn't mistaken the purple mist was like the one he saw years ago in his home.

He grabbed his father, his breathing became heavy. His eyes in terror. Aizawa looked at him and turned to see what was happening. He saw the purple mist. He saw the villains walking out.

"Cool there's even fake villains" some said sounding excited.

"Get back they real" Aizawa told them and horror immediately spread across their faces.

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