Cha 38: Mutual Enemies and Rivals

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Nobody POV

"I see you boys have gotten over your differences" says Almight as he rises from the rubble

Izuku broke out in hysterical laughter, Bakugou merely grunted

"Oh Almight what are you saying" the man's smile faulted

"I still very much hate this prick!" Izuku lashed out and tried to grab Almight. The man didn't expect him to try and get close. Was he trying take his quirk. If he was that he would seriously be in trouble...

Little did he know Izuku wasn't going let that happen. After all his injury is a state secret.

Almight leaped back but was suddenly blown forward

"WHO ARE YOU FUCKING CALLING A PRICK FUCKING DEKU!!!" Bakugou shouted with all his might

Izuku just laughed. Almight turned to grab Bakugou but the boy was pulled away Izuku's scarves.

Almight turned to find both boys gone.

"What the where did they go?" Everyone in both viewing rooms were confused

"Aizawa where the kid go" ectoplasm asked

"The brats are keeping low. Izuku most likely told Bakugou where the cameras we are using yo watch them are. Almight is staying in those locations so we can evaluate the brats when we see them fight. It's not like his doing it on purpose but more like his used to it"

"His used to fighting out in the open, where no one can take him by surprise"

"Izuku is trained to use surprises to his advantage. Stealth and speed are his greatest strengths along with analysis and quick thinking"

"The boy has powerful quirks but he can't control it properly and can most likely end up injuring him. And that's where Bakugou comes in... His the power and pretty much the bomb"

Almight can be seen running back to the gate to make sure they don't get through. A camera finally picks up on Izuku and Bakugou. Both come out their hiding places and charge at Almight.

At first it may not have been a smart choice. Almight threw a punch and the power that came with the blow blew the two boys back.

Almight leaped to them. He grabbed Bakugou and slammed him Izuku. He had to be careful of Izuku. If he touched him than the jig is up. But Izuku could still give back the quirk without contact unlike before... And so Almight got a blow to the face

He still kept a firm grip on Bakugou. The boy knew that his blast didn't do scratch to pro.

The ground started to shake as though it was going to collapse. And like it felt the building the man was under began to collapse. In surprise his grip on Bakugou loosened. The boy took the opening and escaped only to be used as a weapon once more.

One for All activated Izuku grabbed Bakugou hands and spun slamming the blonds shin into Almights face once more

The man was thrown back once more into the collapsing building. The two disappeared into the shadows. Almight rose looking annoyed with a crooked nose.

Aizawa snorted. Everyone turned to in disbelief and surprise

"I expected these brat to be at each other's throats" Midnight said

"Yeah like when they were kids" Present Mic added

"You knew them when they were kids" asked snipe

"Well mostly Izuku. We used to walk him back and fort from school when he was a little kid, we kept constant watch until he got his quirk" Mic clarified

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