Cha 2: The night Before

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I woke up feeling something fuzzy in my face. I looked down and saw green highlights. The kid probably got scared and came down. I let the kid sleep and went to the kitchen. I lived alone with my cat so I didn't have much. It was a simple apartment with an extra bedroom, that Mic would use whenever he was too tired to get home on his own.

I wouldn't feel like driving him so I'd just shove him in that room. A knock came from the front door. Think of the devil and his here, I thought.

I opened the door to Hizashi and he looked uncharacteristically quiet. I couldn't blame him. Inko was his friend too.

"Yo" he said and walked in. "You heard then" I asked him and he just sighed as he took a seat next to the kid. "Better than the kid I guess" he ruffles the kids head as he groggy got up and looked at us.

"Hiya Kiddo" Present Mic said to Izuku. He looked as though he was trying to process what was happening than started to let tears out and start talking

"I tried to save mommy and daddy but I don't have a quirk and a man just came and took daddy's quirk and killed them"

He sobbed as me and Mic listened intently at what he was saying. "Kachan was right I am useless" he cried

All of a sudden Nemuri burst into the room. Thank God in normal clothes and went to the boy and picked him and held him gently like a mother would. Izuku sobbed into her shoulders and fell asleep once more.

"The poor kid" she said looking worried. "He just said someone took away his father's quirk and used it against them" Mic said as though he was trying to process what the kid had just said.

"I'm going to the police then" I said and made my way to the door. "Wait what are you going to do about the kid" Mic asked before I was out the door.

"His the last thing left of Inko, like hell his staying in an orphanage" I told them and left the apartment.

No one POV

Preset Mic and Midnight watched their friend go with a smile on their face. He still loved Inko even after the break up, even after she had a kid with a new husband, and still after she was gone.

Midnight thought for a second. A kid? Inko wasn't the type to cheat while dating someone but she was expecting before she met her new husband. She figured it out when Inko had called in sick a few weeks after the break up. That was when she met the man with her at the hospital.

She smiled at the fact now finally realising the truth. She looked at the sleeping boy in her arms. Small for his age and very light. There was only Inko written all over him. The black was probably the true father's and the green highlights Inko.

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