Cha 13: Declaration of War

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A/N: wow I didn't know so many people would read my story. Hehehe....... truth be told I thought no one would read. I honestly fell out my chair when I saw how many people read it. This is actually my first fanfic story. Thank you all for reading.


Eating the number one hero's hair was probably the most weirdest thing he had ever done. Almight told him that the activated like how he would activate 'razor extend'. It then finally hit him, he still haven't his other quirk registered, or tested out to see what it was like.

He was walking back to class after Almight had told him the story of one for all and it's origin. How it came from a man call all of one. Dread filled with stomach. It made him feel sick. The ability to have multiple quirks as Almight stated the number one villain had sounded a lot like his own.

The ability to take quirks. It sounded like the that killed his mother and step father. He remembered that culprit was never found and they had pinned the cause of the fire on Hisashi Midoriya. That couldn't be true because the man was always careful since he had a fire related quirk and he just burned to a crisp as his mother.

The past and his quirks boggled his mind. He felt sleep deprived and wanted to just pull out his sleeping bag and take a nap in it.

The moment he returned he saw the results of who would be the class representative on the board. He rubbed his eyes, thinking he wasn't seeing things right.

On the board was his name and Yaoyorozu. "Problem child welcome back...." Aizawa-sensei said in a dead pan voice. The class still not sure what to make of the strange nickname.

Izuku walked to the front and stood beside Yaoyorozu. And with the same deadpan expression and tone as his father he said "I am not going to be class representative"

"But why would you decline your classmates choices" Iida said standing up and doing his weird hand movements

"Because I know of a better person that can lead..." His tone almost as identical as Aizawa-sensei. His expression blank. Only his father knew that that was his surprised look. The said man was in his sleeping bag sleeping.

Izuku contemplated whether to kick him and run for dear life, join him or toss him out the window for not telling the class he didn't like attention.

"Iida I voted for you because I knew you would be better class representative" Iida wanted to say something but couldn't find the words. He guessed he wasn't expecting anyone to vote for him.

"I really don't like a lot of attention and it makes me flustered easily and..." The class let out a sigh of relief as their classmate returned to the usual muttering self and not Jr.Aizawa-sensei.

"Then it's settled Iida will be the class representative" the scruffy man said appearing beside Izuku making him want to jump out his skin as he almost ran and hid behind Yaoyorozu. What kind of hell did he put you through? The class wanted to ask him but was afraid to.

The lunch bell rang and the class filed out. Iida looking both disappointed and proud. Who knew one could express opposite expressions at the same time.

"I believed you would be a great class representative that is why I voted for you Aizawa-kun" he trailed of "But I thank you for believing in me"

"It's now problem. I don't plan to stand out much when I become a hero. As long as I get to help people and follow my dream" Izuku told his two friends.

They sat down and Ururaka began to look as though she was putting two things together. "Hey Iida you wouldn't happen to be a rich boy would you"

Iida face suddenly fell "I was trying to hide the fact by changing the way I speak..." He was admitting defeat as he spoke. "But I guess it's no use. Do you know the pro hero ingenium"

"Who wouldn't know" Izuku began to fanboy and Iida seemed to be delighted. "He is my brother and I wish to be a hero just like him"
Izuku seemed to be excited even more. Meeting someone related to a pro hero apart from the butt endeavor. 'wait I'm also related to a pro hero' he told himself.

Just then alarms began to cry throughout the school. Students were questioning what was happening and began to panic. While Izuku dodged everyone not touching anyone he noticed his two friends get dragged into the swarm of panicking students.

Izuku looked out the window and just saw the press. He let out a breath of relief. But now he needed to help find away to calm everyone down.

He spotted Iida trying break free. He shouted at him and pointed out. The tall boy saw what he had seen and quickly made a decision. He saw his other friend struggling in the crowd.

He called out to her and got her attention. The fear fueled students just making everything worse. "Make me float!" He called out her and reached out. He just prayed that their green haired friend wasn't accidentally suppressing her quirk. The moment moment their fingers touched he was glad for having a beyond considerate friend like Izuku.

He blasted himself using his engines and slammed himself above on the wall in the emergency exit.


Everyone began to calm down as they noticed the press outside being pushed back by their teachers and police arriving at the scene.

Izuku dropped to the floor and sighed in relief. This was the reason why he voted for Iida. He was clear cut and precise.


Aizawa POV

After classes everyone was sent home. I told Izuku to stay a bit so we could train his new quirk.

But at the moment I was occupied with something else and told the kid not to come out. He was to smart for his age and the way his always muttering and mumbling he could cause another panic to start.

That if the loud and explosive Bakugou wasn't around. Other wise it just seem like incoherent mumbling as usual.

There we stood. Me and a couple more teachers staring at a hole carved through the nation's top security system. U.A. didn't have many blind spots and we all wondered if it was one of the people from the press.

"Aizawa-kun could you call your son to come out and have him analyze this" Nedzu asked. I looked down to the small rodent like principle

"WHY do want Izuku want to analyze this" I asked but stilled ended up fishing out my phone and calling the kid.

"Your son is quite observant for his age and could probably be one brightest minds of our age"

The green mop became visible from the opposite side as he came running. He looked terrified to see the hole but held it together.

"Young Aizawa what would you make of this situation" Nedzu asked as me and the other teachers began to contemplate what it was. We just about to declare that it was one of the press but then Izuku spoke up. Breaking us all from our conversation.

"The way in which the hole was made was definitely caused by a quirk. Something to do with disintegrating, eroding, aging, or even decaying considering the fact that the wall doesn't have any sign impact"

We listened without question. Yamada and Nemuri had told the whole staff about my kids smarts and now they were seeing proof.

"Considering the fact that this was probably one of the only few blind spots that U.A. has it can't be a coincidence. This school has one of the top security systems"

"The press know better than to use their quirks in public and I'm pretty sure neither of them would dare to do this"

"The person who could've done this probably lingered around with the crowd. Hidden from the cameras and made the hole. Allowing the press in to cause a panic while probably distracting the whole school from something"

Something clicked. We all had been to busy teaching and trying get the press back without realising someone probably snuck in. The safety of the students was now on the line.

"This isn't just some press break in incident" Izuku said standing and turning to face us all. He looked straight into our eyes and was confident with his find. "This was declaration of war"

Aizawa IzukuTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang