Deathskull enemy ranks, vehicles, & aircrafts

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Here are type of enemy that characters in the story will encounter them soon. Here are the list:


• Deathskull soldier/militia- A regular militias with military experience. They used guns for long range and they sometimes used combat knife, machete, or hatchet for close combat.

• Skull ninja- A well-trained men of swordsmanship and they will attack the enemy swiftly. Their ability is jump high and strike the enemy in first blow.

• Deathskull Brute- A big size human used for close combat and they sometimes use guns for long range.

• Jetpacker- A militia with a flying experience they can shoot enemy at below and they will attack on air as well.

• Batoner- a militia using an electric baton to make more damage and they have a long health to take down. The ability is create an electric shockwaves when hitting on the ground. They wear armor suit and iron boots to prevent them from being electrocuted.

• Flame trooper- They carrying flamethrowers to burn down every person in sights.

• Shield militia- They carrying shield to block enemy's attack and they used hatchet or machete for close combat. They sometimes used SMG to shoot them in long and short range.

• Minigunner- They're like brute but they carrying minigun to mow down the enemy. They move slow when firing at it.

• Whip trooper- A militia using electric whips to take more damage to the enemy.

• Sniper- A militia using a sniper rifle to shoot the enemy in the distance.

• Deathskull Controller- A militia equipped with guns and a controller tablet to take control of shocker drones. They armed with guns in case they were being dangered.

• Deathskull officer- A militia wears red unisex to identify themselves as lieutenants, captains, majors, and commanders. They only equipped with AK-47 assault rifle and they taking much damage to the enemy.

• Pilot- They are experience of using helicopters and dropships. They armed with a pistol and SMG.

• Death Droid- They're deadly robots and they equipped with plasma assault rifle. They are strong to fight the enemy in close combat.

• Spell caster- Learn to use dark magic, they shoots fireballs and they can teleport anywhere.


• Shocker drone- A drone to stun enemy.

• Shocker drone- A drone to stun enemy

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