5.the 'revival item'

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Nagisa's PoV

I sit alone, covering myself with a dark blue furry cape since it's close to winter and the world is filled with snow, I have no one to turn to right now...back to being a solo player again.

I sort my bangs out as the info broker makes her way over to me, starting a conversation which wasn't worth any money, since she said she didn't know anything useful or things I already knew.

For the celebration of Christmas, a boss will randomly spawn at an unknown location and be ready to fight only for the night of Christmas Eve, if you succeed in killing the boss, legend has it that it will drop a revival item to revive someone from the dead

"You wouldn't happen to know where the location is, do you" she looked over to my direction as I stood up from the bench, grabbing my sword from my back.

"Maybe I would..." I reply, not looking back at her, but I already knew what she was going to say.

"You're not planning to go solo on this one are you? Are you kidding?!" She was going to run up to me but then decided not to as I gave a her an emotionless glare, giving her a 'I'm not kidding' look.

I'm going to get that revival item...and bring back Okuda to see what she said

And if it turns out she was cussing me? Too bad, I'll accept it...

I teleported to the unknown location of a woodland on floor 24, snow everywhere as I pull my fluffy cape closer to my mouth in an attempt to warm myself.

Not long after I take a few steps, I see a vibrant glow behind me as a party teleported to the location..it was sugino's party.

"Nagisa, long time no see..." he waves and smiles, but I can tell he's kind of wary of me.

"Same here" I flash him an emotionless grin "did you follow me here?"

"Yeh...you're not planning to go solo on this one are you?!" I nod my head slowly "you're kidding right, that's suicide!"

I just turned my back from him and started walking in the direction of where the boss would spawn, only to realise that more people had teleported to the unknown location aswell, sugino's party had been followed, and it doesnt look good.

"Looks like you were being followed aswell" I plainly state to Sugino, he gives me a worried glance before turning it into a confident smile.

"Go nagisa! We'll hold these guys off and you go defeat that boss!"

"Thanks, you're a great pal Sugino..." I say, turning my back once more as I make my way to the monster which is about to spawn.

After a minute of waiting, Christmas bells can be heard from all around my location and a huge, Santa looking boss appeared from out of the sky, landing infront of me and pushing the snow back.

I have to defeat this boss! I HAVE TO!

Karma's PoV

"So why the hell are we doing this again?" I sigh, I'm freezing and bored as hell right now, but the assault team are such asses and brought us to this secret location an hour earlier that the actual boss fight.

"Be quiet karma! The leader has his reasons!" The asshat ,also known as Asano, replied back to me, one of these days I'd love to challenge him to a duel...I'd win obviously.

"It's to look for new recruits for the assault team, as you know only powerful players will show up to this boss fight, after they've finished, we'll approach them and ask them to join us" Calimari said, who was also our leader...

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