2. The Red Devil?

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Nagisa's POV
It's been a month since SAO has officially launched and there's no sign of the first level boss...much to our pleasure.

Right now, I'm walking towards the small stage area located in the town of beginnings in order to share information about the boss for this floor.

I sigh, lifting my hood further over my head as I glance around the small stage area, taking a seat near the top. I don't really want to speak to anyone here..they'll just take advantage of my girly features, they all do.

That's the whole reason I wear a hooded cape, to conceal my appearance and body type. I don't want people seeing me, then I won't be taken seriously...

"Alright listen up!" I look up to see a boy, probably a year or two older than me, standing at the bottom of the staired seats with his hands on his hips, he truly looked like a hero.

"My name is justice and the role I play here, is knight"

I snicker as the whole stage suddenly uproars in laughter.

"Yo there's no roles in this game dude"  someone said from the crowd, trying to contain his laughter, this caused Justice to pout and make his cheeks illuminate a scarlet colour, he was embarrassed.

He clears his throat "Well, now that you've all stopped laughing" his face suddenly turned serious " we've found the location to the floor boss"

No way, seriously..

"No way!"

"After all this time?"

"Finally! After all this time"

Justice clears his throat once again, earning the attention of the rest of the players " we will be attacking tomorrow and discussing game plans before entering the boss room, for now we need to make parties with eachother in order for the game plan to work"

I put me head down slowly, no one would wanna team up with me and most of all, I really don't want to team up with any of these newbies...

"So~ we need teammates for this boss fight, eh?" As soon as that sentence was said, we all whipped out heads around to see a powerful looking red head, standing at the top of the staircase, a bottle of what looked like pink milk in his hand? He threw the bottle to the side and flicked his hair, I couldn't help but blush at that, he is very attractive after all

"Y-you can't be serious right?"

"It's t-the Red Devil!"

The Red Devil? Oh that dude who defeated some of the secret bosses on this floor and killed a few players to save someone...why's everyone so scared of him?

Just as I was buried in thought, the boy started walking up to me, extending out a hand.

"Hey, you got a team~" he smugly says, winking in my direction.

"N-no...I don't" my voice trails off and I release my hand from his grip, pulling down my hood a bit more to conceal my appearance.

"Well you're in luck, why don't we form a party for the boss fight?" He says while bringing up is menu, sending me a friend request and a party request to join.

I accept it slowly, reading the text from the party invite, finding out that his name was karma..

"Karma..." I murmur, loud enough for him to hear "it's a nice name" I lift up my hood to flash him a little smile.

"Same for you nagisa, so tell me" he grabbed my chin, exposing my face a little bit, causing me to panic and pull down my hood to cover as much of my face as possible " why's a cutie like you keeping their face hidden?"

My cheeks turn Scarlett as I managed to wriggle out of his grip, embarrassed "Well for one, I'm a boy and two, I don't like showing people my face because of past experiences..." my voice trails off, a hint of sadness can be heard.

"Wow, really? You're a boy?" The red head exclaims " I don't believe you~"

"I-I am!" I shout, standing up from my seat, luckily most of the people who were in the stage area were bothered about their own conversations to notice me.

"Oh yeah, really?" He also stood up, towering over me "prove it, drop those pants now!" He said while reaching over to my cape, causing me to stumble back in shock and let out a squeak.

This caused him to laugh abit as I pout in his direction, he extends out his hand for me to grab and I take it while smiling, this guy isn't so bad, why does everyone make him out to be a criminal?

"And that concludes our meeting today! Make sure to- "

"Hold it right there!"  He was soon cut off by a tall, male, probably about my age, jumping down the flight of stairs to stare Justice in the face.

"Yo, the names teresaka...remember it" he glared over to the people on the staired seats, his face scrunched with disgust "you know why it's taken this long to find the boss room?"

I pause, looking over to karma to see if he knew anything about what's happening. He turned over to look at me aswell and shrugged

"Your guess is as good as mine" he whispers, looking back to the front with a bow smug look on his face, putting his hands behind his head, how can he look so calm in times like this?

"It's those damn beta testers that's why!"

I pause and my breathing cane to a stop, I was a beta tester...does this mean it's my fault? But the boss room location was changed since the beta test...so why? Why is it our fault?

Karma must of realised the distress that was present by my facial expression, putting his hand on my shoulder and giving me a reassuring look, it somehow calmed me and I gave him a smile to tell him I've calmed a little.

Soon karma stood up, a devilish presence arraying from him, so this is the famous Red Devil's power? Scary, huh...

"The names the Red Devil, you've probably heard of it" he flashed teresaka a creepy grin, causing him to stumble back in shock and fear "lemme get things straight with you...you do realise that the beta testers did give out guide booklets for free, holding information on everything they found out in the beta test right?"

Teresaka paused, he had no counter argument...

"It's best if you just keep your mouth shut if you don't understand" he got all up in teresaka's face, probably scaring him to death before laughing like a maniac and making his way back to me.

"A-and that concludes our meeting, we will discuss game plans at the boss tomorrow" Justice shouted, causing everyone to make their way away from the stage area and do their own thing.

"Yo nagisa!" Karma ran up to me from the bottom of the staired "mind if I hang around with you today? Everyone's to scared to be with me" he stuck his tongue out

"Y-yeh sure, I don't really have any friends either" I say, flashing him a smile as we make our way to get something to eat.

And thus marks the day where I finally meet the Red Devil, my soon to be...partner

I have nothing to say,,,


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