27-Things Just Got Better 2

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(Mitch's POV)

I walked in my room to get a jacket. I saw tyler and Adam on my bed kissing.

"Mitch. Please come back here!" Adam yelled as I shut the door. He grabbed me and threw me in the room. "You didn't see anything."

"YOUR CHEATING ON TY!" I whisper yelled. "AND YOUR CHEATING ON KYLE!" i looked at Tyler. He was in tears.

"I... I..." Tyler got up and left.

"Mitch I swear to god if you say anything about this I will send you back to hell." Adam said. "But I have a reason."

(Tyler's POV)

I ran upstairs to the bathroom and sobbed. I pulled out a razor that I 'threw away' and made many deep cuts on my wrist. Blood flowed a dark reddish black color and dripped on the floor.

There were small knocks on the door. "Babe?" Kyles voice came through the door. "Can I come in?"

"No. I'm so sorry." I say trying to clean up. He opens up the door to see a mess.

"Tyler." He gasped. I blacked out.

"Hey babe." Adam kissed my lips.

"Hi." I smiled. Adam and I held hands. I saw kyle standing all alone by the tracks. We loved hanging out here.

We walked to see kyle. He was staring at the fast moving train. As it got close he jumped onto the rails. I quickly grabbed his arm and pulled him off. I hugged him while he and I cried.

"What the duck tyler. You should have let him die." Adam says crossing his arms.

"But he's my friend."

"You obviously love him more than I." And he walked away.

"I jumped because you love Adam." I realized I had a choice to make.


I woke up and kyle was asleep next to me. I checked my phone. 4:27am October 28th?! I've been out for 4 days!!! Oh no. Adam. What am I going to do?

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