12- Tylers Point Of View

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(Tyler's POV)

Earlier that day.

I got up and dressed for school. I grabbed my bag and opened the door.

"Where ya going fag?" a voice yelled.

"School, sir." I said.

"Not today. Your staying home. You have to clean the house and do the out door work to." My father grinned evilly.

"But sir, I'll get in trouble if I skip school." I say. He punched me in the face. I flew against the wall and yelped.

"You do what I say and you'll get less if that!" I could smell the beer in his breath.

"Ok sir." I say.

"I'm going to work. Don't do anything or I'll hurt you worse than usual." He said smiling. He left. I went to the bathroom and opened the cabinet.

"Where is it?" I asked myself. "Ah!" I grabbed a blade.

1 for being gay.

2 for being alive

And 3 for being me.

I washed the blade and wiped my arm. I walked out and started to clean the living room. I picked up about 7 beer bottles and paper plates. I vacuumed all the chips and pizza crumbs off the floor.

Once I was done in there I cleaned the kitchen. I washed the dishes and wiped the counters. I put away left over food that was on the counter. I didn't dare eat. He never lets me. I basically starve.

I cleaned my room, his room, and the bathroom. I was pretty much done. I'm exhausted. I layed down to take a nap.


I woke up and looked at the time. "Shit! I over slept!"

"Your damn right you did!" I was kicked in the stomach. I was gasping for air.

"You didn't do all your chores! you know what that means!" my father yelled. He walked out of my room and came back with a belt and wiped me.

"I'm sorry!" I cried out.

"I'll be right back." He said walking out.

I grabbed my phone to call Adam. "Pick up pick up" no answer. Kyles on vacation. "I know!"


"Mitch oh thank god you answered!" I said.

"Who is this?" he asked.


"Oh what's up?"

"Adam won't answer and Kyles on vacation. I need to leave now!" I whisper-yelled. I heard my dad coming.

What's wrong? are you ok?" Mitch asked.

"No. I need to go somewhere now!" I said.

"Who the fuck are you talking to tyler?" my dad yelled coming in the door.

"No one papa!" I yelled.

"Liar!" he kicked me over 10 times. He was yelling something as he did. But I couldn't hear him. My ears were bleeding.

"Where coming to get you!" is all I heard before I blacked out for about 30 minutes.

When I got up I was in terrible pain. He must have beat me even more when I was blacked out. I grabbed two bags and filled them with clothes and computer/recording crap. And 20 minutes later I ran out the door into their car.

I'll never leave you (Merome and Kkbrotato)Where stories live. Discover now