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(Mitch's pov)

"Mitch, it's ok to let go. You don't deserve to suffer, I do."

No Jerome you don't! "if you do leave us, it will be my fault. I could have helped you. I could have just never suggested living together. It's my fault you were shot, I could have convinced you to stay."

Jerome stop! "and I cheated on you while you were out saving lives and here you are now fighting for your own. I am terrible. I should be in your place. You shouldn't have to die. I should! I was a terrible boyfriend! Fuck Ryan. I love you Mitch. Please." He said sobbing into his hands.

Jerome please don't cry! You will be fine without me.

(Jerome's POV)

I sat there for about an hour and walked out. "Jerome, are yo-"

I cut off tyler by hugging him. "No, I'm not. I can't lose him. He doesn't deserve this." I say.

"Shhhhhh. It's alright." Tyler said lifting my chin with his finger. I sniffled and sat down. Soon Ryan walked in.

"Hey Jerome" he said coming in the room. I ran up to him and hugged him. He kissed me.

(Mitch's POV) ~again~

I saw Jerome and Ryan hug. Then Ryan kissed him. I was so angry. It's like I was stuck having to look at a frozen image of it. "Why did you lie to me, Jerome?" I fell to my knees and sobbed. "I just want this to be over!" and it soon was.

I'll never leave you (Merome and Kkbrotato)Where stories live. Discover now