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(Kyles POV)

I went to go wake up Tyler and he wasn't there. I looked around and there was stuff every where.

I grabbed my phone and called him. It went straight to voice mail. So I called Jerome.


"Hey bud, did Tyler happen to goto your place?" I ask.

"No. Why? is everything okay?" he asks.

"Shit! I don't know where he went." My phone buzzed saying I'm getting a call from tyler. "Hold on ill call you back." I picked up Tyler's call.

"Are you the fagget dating my son?!" A harsh voice yelled.

"Who is this?" I ask.

"Tyler's father, dip shit. But don't worry. I'll put him out of his misery." He said Evilly. He hung up. I jumped on my car to goto Tyler's house. My blue tooth in the car was ringing (safe driver)

"Kyle what's going on?" jerome asked.

"Tyler's dad kidnapped him and is going to kill him!" I yelled.

"Where are you?"

"Corner of Colton Ave."

"I'm a few blocks away come pick me up and we'll go save him." Jerome said.

He didn't want to lose another person, especially all in a week. And I didn't want to lose the love of my life.

I'll never leave you (Merome and Kkbrotato)Where stories live. Discover now