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they arrived at the house ten minutes after jin and jimin's argument, if you could even call it that.

hoseok woke up as the car stopped. he lifted his head from jimins shoulder and rubbed his eyes tiredly.

"how was your sleep sleepyhead?" yoongi asked, from the front seat.

hoseok did a thumbs up sign with his hand before putting his head back into jimin's shoulder.

the sunshine felt people climb out the car and a front door open.

hoseok also felt a rush of cold air hit his side as someone opened the door on his side. he whined tiredly at the sensation.

"come on cutie," someone said peeling him off jimin and into his arms.

hoseok looked up to see taehyung carrying him effortlessly.

the youngest wrapped his arms around taehyung's neck and his legs around his lower torso.

he buried his head into the older's shoulder.

taehyung carried hoseok though the new place he'd be staying in.

they went through some corridors, up some stairs, through another corridor and into a room.

the older carefully placed the younger onto a bed.

as he went to let go of hoseok, his grip on taehyung tightened. he pulled the older onto the bed, cuddling him like a koala.

"hey, i gotta go downstairs for a gang meeting!" taehyung laughed trying to pull away.

"no," hoseok stated stubbornly.

taehyung sighed, "come on hoseok, let go,"

"no," hoseok whined, "i wanna cuddle,"

"what if i get namjoon to cuddle with you?"

hoseok gasped, "he would do that?"

"yeah he would," taehyung reassured, "he loves cuddles,"

"okay!" hoseok let go of taehyung.

"i'll go get him now," taehyung said as he walked away from hoseok and down some stairs.

a few minutes later, namjoon opened hoseoks door which had been closed by taehyung when he left, "i heard you wanted to cuddle with me?"

"mhm!" hoseok hummed as he opened his arms welcomingly for the older to climb into.

namjoon climbed into the bed, ignoring hoseoks open arms.

he pulled the younger on top of him and to his chest, wrapping his arms around hoseok's lower torso, "how come you wanted to cuddle?"

hoseok rested his head on namjoons shoulder, "because i haven't cuddled in ages,"

namjoon let out a little aww, "why? did no one want to cuddle with you?"

"no, they would, but i didn't want to with them," hoseok replied burying his head into the elder's chest.

"huh? if you love it so much why'd you reject them all?"

"because i like cuddling big people. all my friends were smaller than me or the same size as me,"

"so i guess you wouldn't wanna cuddle me, jungkook, jin, taehyung or jimin then?" someone called from the door behind them.

hoseok whipped his head around from namjoon's chest to face the door.

it was yoongi.

hoseok wondered if he was mad, but surprising, he looked more amused than angry.

"hyung don't be so up tight!" namjoon laughed.

"i was joking joonie,"

namjoon smiled, "i know,"

"but seriously you wouldn't wanna cuddle with me?" yoongi asked, his bottom lip sticking out a tiny bit.

"i can make exceptions!" hoseok announced, mentally cooing at the leaders cuteness.

yoongi did something hoseok hadn't expected the leader to do. he squealed, the boy fucking squealed.

hoseok's heart melted on the spot, "wanna join our cuddle?"

yoongi looked at the youngest, "really?"

"oh come on hyung!" namjoon whined, moving along the bed, with hoseok still on his chest may i add, so the eldest present could climb into bed.

yoongi climbed in almost too excitedly, clinging onto namjoons somewhat muscular bicep for a sunshine.

"you comfy?" namjoon asked.

yoongi let out a hum as he closed his eyes.

in about five minutes the elder fell asleep. that's the problem with driving 6 hours after you just woke up from a nap.

"what's going on here?" someone he recognised instantly as jin asked loudly.

hoseok shushed him, "hyung s' asleep keep it down!"

"damn sorry," jin put his hands up in defence, "make room for me,"

namjoon moved over, pulling the sleeping yoongi with him and the tired hoseok on his chest.

jin slowly climbed in. he got comfortable and turned on his side so he was spooning the sleeping yoongi.

jin was sleep in seconds since he hadn't been able to sleep well on taehyung's lap in the car.

hoseok closed his eyes tiredly, almost falling asleep when he felt namjoon move again, this time closer to yoongi.

someone climbed into the bed at the other side of namjoon, the elder got in and tapped hoseok's butt.

'jimin,' hoseok thought with a mental sigh.

hoseok opened his eyes tiredly, looking at jimin who was now lying next to namjoon on his other side, "come lay on me, namjoon's legs hurting,"

"sorry hyung!" hoseok directed to namjoon before climbing onto jimin.

"it's alright hoseokie,"

hoseok closed his eyes again, but this time on jimin's smaller figure.

the bed moved yet again, and who he guessed, jungkook and taehyung climbed into the bed.

guessing by the weight added to the bed, jungkook was next to jimin/him. he felt him rest his head on the eldest's shoulder while wrapping his legs around one of jimin's.

hoseok looked up briefly to see taehyung spooning jin at the other end of the bed.

jimin presser hoseok's head back down into his chest, "go to sleep love,"

"okay," hoseok mumbled out, closing his eyes tiredly.

as he fell asleep, he felt a pair of lips hit his forehead and a just bearable audible 'sleep well precious,' come from the person who he had cuddled into.

hoseok's, even though he was half asleep, face flushed.

jungkook let out a little laugh, patting the youngest's cheek but he couldn't tell if it was lovingly or not.

"goodnight everyone," taehyung's said from the end of the bed.

hoseok let out one single laugh.

"what's so funny huh?" jimin asked ruffling the youngest's hair.

hoseok snuggled closer into jimin's chest, eyes still closed, "it's only four in the afternoon,"

"so?" jimin questioned, "thats prime nap time for yoongi,"

hoseok smiled into the eldest's chest, "night night,"

eventually everyone fell asleep, but it took over 20 minutes since namjoon wouldn't stop snoring.

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