Back Together

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When I got home it was silent, I figured everyone was asleep since it was late. I wanted to let Namjoon know I was home so I went to his room after putting my stuff in my room. I knocked on Namjoon's door, oddly enough I didn't even hear him snoring. Maybe he was awake and just had his headphones in. I walked in and found it empty, completely empty. I went to Jin's and woke him up.

"Oh hi Kookie," he said with a smile, "Why do you look upset?"

"Where's Namjoon hyung?" I asked. His expression turned to a bit sad mixed with disappointed, "What's going on?"

He sat up and patted the bed to tell me to sit down so I did, "While you were gone we decided it'd be best if the rap line and vocal line separated," he explained. "We didn't end on...very good terms." My eyes widened, "While you were gone Namjoon brought something up and we got into a pretty heated argument. I didn't have time to call you. It was over before I knew it. I didn't want to call you and ruin your vacation with your family."

I looked down, "What did he bring up?" I asked, looking back at him.

He shook his head, "Don't worry about it baby," he said. "What happened has happened, there's no changing that now. Bang PD tried to convince them to come back, but they refused."

I got up, "Where are they staying?" I asked quickly. "I want to see them."

He pulled up something on his phone, "They're on the top floor," he said. "Apartment number 78."

I ran out of the apartment and to the elevator. When I got to the top floor the elevator doors opened and I saw Yoongi looking through his bag, probably for his key. "Hyung!" I said and he looked at me. His eyes narrowed like he was annoyed to see me. I ran over to him, "What happened? I get back and find out the group split?"

"Jungkook, I don't want to talk to you. Go back to your members," he said once he found his key.

Before I could respond he walked in and slammed the door in my face. I felt tears prick my eyes. His tone made it sound like whatever happened was my fault, but I wasn't even there. I went back to the dorm, defeated, and when I walked in Jin was waiting for me. Without saying anything he opened his arms for a hug. I walked over to him and he hugged me as I started crying. He took me over to the couch and I must've fallen asleep.

When I woke up it was late in the afternoon and I could smell Jin cooking. I sat up to see Jimin sitting next to me, and I realized I had been using his lap as a pillow, "What are you writing hyung?" I asked when I realized he was writing.

He sighed and put down the pen, "I'm trying to write lyrics," he explained. "We kinda can't use any of our previous songs because Namjoon and Yoongi technically own the songs."

I froze, "You forgot to add hyung," I stated.

He looked at me, "But they aren't our hyungs anymore," he said. "They proved that when they wouldn't listen to reason."

"Listen to reason to what?" I asked, accidentally yelling in frustration. "Yoongi-hyung didn't answer me and Jin-hyung won't tell me!"

He sighed, "To be honest I'm not really sure myself. All I know is that Namjoon brought up something from the past and it turned into a huge argument."

I was growing angry and upset, "This is bullshit!" I yelled. Jimin's eyes widened, "You should've called me! Maybe I could've done something or said something to stop them! Now BTS doesn't exist!"

"Jeon Jungkook!" Jin yelled. I turned to see him standing there, "There was nothing you could've done!" I realized he was crying. "We tried for hours while they packed and they refused! You wanna know why they fucking left!?" I nodded. "Does 'we'd do better without the rap line' sound familiar to you!?" I was confused, "Of course not. You were drunk."

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