He nodded, "Then I won't make you boys do the tour. Thank you for your time. You can go," he said and we left.

We were taken back to the dorms and we all did our own things.

A week had passed and we were all resting. Well except Jungkook. I had noticed that he was staying up later, waking up earlier. Some mornings he was up before Jin, and Jin was usually up early. I was up late after I got distracted from youtube videos. I walked into the living room to turn off the tv since I heard it was on. I saw Jungkook asleep on the couch. Taehyung must've covered him up because he had Taehyung's blanket over him. I turned off the tv and I heard him whimper in his sleep.

I figured he'd calm down but then he kept whimpering and he seemed scared. I gently lifted his head and sat down. I put his head on my lap and he calmed down. I fell asleep. I woke up to Jungkook shaking me. I told him he started whimpering in his sleep and me being there calmed him down. He disappeared into his room, he seemed embarrassed. I stretched and laid down when I realized it was six am. It was our first day off so I wanted to sleep in.

I woke up again to someone screaming. Jungkook was screaming. I jumped up and ran to his room. He was thrashing around in his bed, screaming, and still asleep. Jin ran in next. I ran over to his bed and grabbed him. I shook him but he wouldn't wake up. Jin gently took Jungkook from me and held him close to him. I went to go grab Jungkook some cold water for when he woke up. The screaming stopped and when I went back in to see him calm, but still asleep.

"Well that was terrifying," I stated bluntly. I sat the cup down and sat down on the bed as well. "Do we leave him alone or?"

He shook his head, "I can stay here," he said. "You should go to make sure everyone else is alright."

I nodded and walked off.

I woke up again, my throat scratchy and Jin was asleep next to me. I slowly sat up, my head was pounding, "You awake?" Jin asked, slowly waking up. I nodded, "You had a pretty bad nightmare baby. You were screaming."

I shrugged, "I can't remember what it was about," I said. "I'm fine though. You can go to your own bed. I'm going to go for a run." He looked at me with worry in his eyes, "I promise I'm fine."

"Okay, don't overdo it. We do have the concert tomorrow," he said and I nodded.

I got changed and headed out. As I ran I thought about the dream. I actually remembered what it was about, but I didn't want them to know. Maybe writing about it would help stop it, or at least lessen how they were. It was usually the same nightmare, each time getting longer and more detailed. After a while of running, I took a break at Han River. I sat there for a while, watched the waves hit the shore gently. Tomorrow was the concert, I had to try and get sleep tonight. I didn't want to risk being so tired I couldn't do well, especially for the Make-A-Wish kids. I knew if I asked, Taehyung would let me have one of his sleeping pills. After sitting there for a while I got up and jogged back to the dorms.

When I got there I showered then went into the living room, "Oh there he is," Jimin said. "Tae and I were wondering if we can have a sleepover in your room tonight!"

I nodded, "Okay," I said. I looked around, Taehyung wasn't around, "Speaking of Tae where is he?" I asked. "I was gonna see if I could have a sleeping pill tonight so I can get extra sleep."

"Oh he and Yoongi-hyung went out to do get gifts for the kids tomorrow," he said. "They want us to get a gift for one of the kids. Apparently, they're bringing seven kids in from around the world. I already got mine while you were out."

I slowly nodded, "I need to get mine then," I said. "What did you get for your kid?"

He smiled and went to his room to grab it. He came out with a box, "I got her a really nice dress," he said and showed it to me.

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