Part 1

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(Y/N) pov

After I went and got Natsu, he and his cat took me to find this salamander to see if it was his dad Igneel. So we took a train to some town where there were rumors of the salamander being in town. I fell asleep during the train ride and apparently Natsu forgot to wake me up so I rode the train all the way back to Magnolia. Natsu was stuck too because of his motion sickness. It took a while but we finally found reached our stop. Natsu and Happy was walking down the street while I floated next to them on my cloud.

Natsu: Come on (Y/N). We need to hurry or we'll miss him.

We were getting stares from people. But I guess that's expected from seeing a man sitting on a cloud floating down the street.

Natsu: thanks alot for leaving us Happy. Some friend you are.

Happy: I would have gotten you guys off but I was distracted. Besides I wouldn't be able to even touch (Y/N).

Oh yeah. One of my types of magic makes attacks and people go through me. So when people try to wake me up, they have to yell really loud near me. This lead to me teleporting people to some random location that I think of. I lost a job to that because I fell asleep when the client was talking. I forgot where I sent him. Something about seeing demons. What a weird guy.

(Y/N): At least we made it to the town. Now we just gotta find-

3rd Pov

(Y/N) has fell asleep.

Natsu: HEY! Wake up. Your suppose to be helping me find Igneel.

Happy: Just let him sleep Natsu. We don't want you ending up on a boat again.

Natsu shivered as he was reminded of the bad memory. He woke (Y/N) up to fight him and ended up on a boat that was going out the country. He didn't get back to Fiore until late that night. It was not a good day for him.

Natsu: Don't remind me. Anyway, you sure this salamander guy is Igneel.

Happy: Aye! He's the only salamander we know about, so it's gotta be him.


Then the group ran... Or floated in (Y/N)'s case into a crowd of girls.



The loud shout caused our sleeping wizard to wake up. Luckily nobody got teleported.

(Y/N): huh?

Natsu: come on (Y/N). I can't believe it.

Happy: Aye!

(Y/N): 'You think we be able to see a large, fire-breathing dragon from here... Actually, why would a dragon be in the middle of a town' well not my problem. Yawns Well might as well take a nap... After I get some food. Maybe pizza.

Natsu started to push through the crowd towards the center.

Natsu: Hey Igneel! it's me where ya be-

Only to see a man in a purple cloak and some blonde girl on the floor who looked like hearts shattered in her eyes.

Natsu:... Who the hell are you?

The man was shocked by the statement but gained his composure.

Man: Why don't you know? I'm the famous salamander.

Natsu and Happy had already started walking away. This angered the girls in the crowd which led to Natsu getting beaten up while (Y/N) and Happy watched.

(Y/N): Can you girls please stop beating up my friend?

All the girls turned towards him with evil eyes but it instantly disappeared when they saw him and started blushing. (Y/N) got confused when he saw their stares.

(Y/N): what? Is there something on my face?

Girl 1: O-oh um. S-sorry.

Girl 2: We'll let him go.

They let Natsu go and they started to form a crowd around (Y/N) and started asking him questions.

Girl 1: Hey what's tour name?

Girl 2: How old are you?

Girl 3: Are you seeing anyone?

The questions were starting to overwhelm (Y/N) so he did the only thing he could do. He pretended to fall asleep.

Girls: Awww.

Salamander?: ahem. Anyway I must be leaving.

The "salamander" snapped his fingers and a purple fire lifted him up from under his feet and into the sky.

"Salamander": I will have a party on my yacht tonight and you're all invited!

He flew away while dropping flyers. Some of the girls picked up the flyers and some didn't not finding interest in the party. After that the only ones left in the area was (Y/N), Natsu, Happy, and the previously mentioned blonde girl.

(Y/N) "woke up" and flew over to Natsu.

(Y/N): Hey. You alright.

Natsu: Yea I'm fine. Who the heck was that guy anyway?

Blonde girl: I don't know but he was a creep. looks at (Y/N) thanks for the help.

Natsu: huh?

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