He nodded,

"It can be like the old days."

He smiled again, lying down on the bed,


he motioned for me to lay down beside him, I listened and laid down as he pulled out his phone.

"Remember when we used to write music?"

I nodded

"we still have an unfinished song y'know."

"And you still have it?"

Namjoon nodded and i chuckled. He pulled up the audio file and played the poorly written song. I laughed,

"God we were terrible!"

Namjoon chuckled and i watched his side profile. His skin was smooth, soft to the touch, his cheeks were perfectly shaped, his nose just the right size and his lips seemed soft. I was slowly getting closer. Namjoon turned his head to me and our noses almost touched.


His breath hit my lips, shivers travelling down my spine.

"Kiss me."

Namjoon quickly pressed his lips to mine and it felt perfect, something I'd wanted for years I was only now getting. Something I'd held back was now out in the open. Namjoon pinned me to the bed and I closed my eyes, but when i opened them Namjoon was on the floor, with Jimin.


I smacked myself on the head and looked at the clock, 2:22 am.


I stood up, wanting to get some fresh air. I walked out of the room, slipped on a hoodie, a jacket and shoes, leaving the house and walking to the barn. I breathed in deeply, trying to ignore the dream I awoke from. It was wrong but I enjoyed it and I wished I could have continued it. I kicked at the dirt and i heard a gasp from inside the barn.




he stepped out from behind the door.

"I'm sorry hyung I know I shouldn't be out here but I just needed to think..."

"Its okay Kook."

I noticed the boy was in his outfit from earlier today. A T-Shirt and shorts. He was shivering.

"Just bring a coat next time. Here-"

I handed hin my jacket.

"Take mine. It gets really cold out here at night."

Jungkook took the coat, nodding and thanking me.

"C'mere, I wanna show you something."

I led Jungkook to a back room in the barn that stayed locked, but the key was on the top of the door frame.

"This is where I come when I'm stressed."

I grabbed the key and unlocked the door. Jungkook followed me into the small room. I pointed to the ladder and went up, Jungkook followed close behind and we soon reached the top.

"Normally hay and stuff would be kept up here, but I decided to make it a comfortable spot to relax."

I sat down on the edge of the open part, looking out at the forest and stars.

"You want to know why I sold my old house?"

Jungkook sat beside me,

"It's your house it doesn't matter to me."

Watching {Vkook}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz