chapter 3

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Cath was sitting on her bed feeling her anxiety creep up her back and whisper in her her

"He doesn't care"

"He forgot about you"

" he would never love you"

Cath swatted those thoughts away when she heard her phone beep. Its chris.

"I'm so sorry for responding late, if you don't want to hang out we don't have to, i thought you stopped talking to me"

Cath let out a sigh of relief and types her response.

"No im the one who should be sorry, and I actually really do want to meet you, and i didnt stop talking to you I just didn't know how to respond"

It felt so nice to know i was talking to him, but there also was a knot in my stomach knowing im going to meet him even though i have no clue what he looks like. My phone chimed.

"Sooooooo when do you wanna meet up?"

Cath was going to do the one thing she never thought she would do: meet chris. She wanted to see him as soon as possible so she decided to take a leap of faith.

"Can tomorrow work for you?"

Cath wholeheartedly hoped he didn't mind meeting up so soon.

"Sure ill try to find somewhere that's not too crowded but is it okay if there's a few people?"

Cath smiled from ear to ear, purely content in that one moment.

"Sure just not to many, i've been trying to attend some classes so I should be fine with a couple people"

Cath was excited but also unbelievably nervous. She was meeting chris. So many thoughts were swarming around in her head 'what if he doesn't like me?' 'what if he thinks im ugly?' ' what if-'

Her phone dinged.

"Okay can you meet me at 7690 Oldtown street at 10:30? By the library?"

Cath smiled then yawned, it was nearly 10:30 pm already. She lazily responded.

"Sure ill see you there but I need to head to sleep goodnight c"

"Night cather"

Cath fell asleep thinking about chris and what would happen tomorrow.

(a/n sorry this chapter is so short, more chapters coming soon!!)

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