chapter 9

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A/N: yoooooo this chapter is gonna be really cringy probably(like everything else i write) so yeah byeee

After I picked up some books from the library I stepped outside and waved down a taxi. The sun had gone a while ago and I'm not very familiar with the way back to my apartment just yet. About fifteen minutes into the drive I started to get worried, yes I don't know the way back very well but I know it isn't a fifteen minute drive back. I looked outside the windshield from the back seat and saw a car wreck. I felt a ping of remorse for the people in the car, which was weird considering I don't know anyone there. After another good fifteen minutes I got dropped off at my apartment complex and headed up to my floor. Once I got into my apartment I changed into a panda onesie and out of the unbearable outfit and cursed heels. I flopped onto my couch and turned on the tv. I let out an exasperated sigh as I saw the news flicker on. They talked about global warming, some girl who got kidnapped, and then they talked about the traffic. Just as I was dozing off my eyes snapped up as I heard Chris's name and looked at the screen and sadly my ears didn't fail me. I stared in disbelief as I saw the crash I witnessed only thirty minutes ago with Chris's face in the top right-hand corner of the screen. I didn't know how to react. Fifteen minutes must have passed before I snapped out of it and stood up. I gave the screen a quick glance seeing a new story being aired. I ran to my room and fumbled through my purse for my phone. I swiftly found it and scrambled through my contacts as my finger landed on Chris's name. I hit the call button with Dread circling my head slowly choking out all of the positivity left leaving a scarred husk of a person as the phone continued to ring. Finally after what seemed like hours of suffering, even though it was probably only a few seconds, someone picked up, but it wasn't Chris.

"Hello? I'm sorry but Chris is currently unavailable, are you one of his relatives?"

"Yes, yes I am," I lied.

"Is he okay?" I say trying to not let my concern show but failing.

I hear the girl on the other side sigh 'that can't be a good sign, I think to myself.

"I'm so sorry I forgot to ask, are you his sister?"

'Wait...he has a sister?' I thought to myself then wondered why he didn't tell me.

"Miss?" I heard the girl on the other side of the line.

"No, I'm his cousin" I said unsure of the fact that I could pretend to be his sister.

"Okay so miss, I am very sorry to inform you but he was just hospitalized, he got into a very brutal car accident"

Oh god, it was him...

"What hospital!" I shout over the line tears threatening to pour for the boy I just met.

"Miss please calm down"

"What hospital" I say again trying to mask my uneasiness with calmness.

"The main hospital off of beckenhart lane"

"Thank you" I spat at the woman hanging up.

A/N: as i said, it's kind of cringy. also i'm thinking about discontinuing this book, i haven't made my decision yet but it is a definite possibility so there might not be another chapter.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Oct 17, 2019 ⏰

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