chapter 2

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I stared at my phone and scrolled through my old texts with cath, ive always wondered what she looked like but she probably wouldn't be okay telling me or sending a picture. I stopped on one chain of texts and read:

"Oh come on im just curioussssss"


"Fineeee if you aren't going to tell me what you look like can you at least tell me what your hair color is???"

"Fine, but why do you even want to know what I look like?"

"I'm curious, aren't you curious what I look like?"



"Well i know you aren't a 80 y/o dude eating chips in his basement"

"How do you know that?"

"You told me you hate chips im not sure if you're 80 or not though"


"Dark brown with a light blue streak"


"You said you wanted to at least know my hair color"

"Oh yeah, thanks cather!"

"Don't call me that"

I smiled as I read the texts, that was one of the only times cath had made a joke. It's also the only thing i know about how cath looks. Until I started talking to Cath i didn't know it was possible to fall for someone over text. But cath wasn't just someone she was the someone, she's the someone im in love with, the someone who I can always talk to, and the someone I will never meet.

I opened dotify and played a playlist titled "falling in love" and sang along to songs like the hopeless romantic I am. I know i have no chance at ever seeing cath but what's wrong with hoping? Everything. Everything is wrong with hoping to see her, let alone be with her. I sit down and turn the music off, i open up messenger and text cath.

"Are you almost done"

I typed and waited for what seemed to be hours even though it was only five minutes.

"Dude are you really that bored?? It's only been fifteen minutes..."

She responded! I smiled with glee and quickly responded.

"Yea i am that bored, can you please take a break so we can talk plz"

I purposefully said "please" twice to annoy her,i know i haven't met her but i could imagine her being really cute while annoyed.

"Ugh fine, what do you want to talk about?"

I smiled as I typed hoping she would agree to meet me even though the chances of her saying yes are minimal.

"Soooo i were wondering"

I took her awhile to respond.


'Darn she is stubborn' i thought to myself.

"You don't even know what I was gonna say"

I tried to reason with her the best I could.

"Fine what were you going to say?"

"Okay time to do this" i said to myself mustering up as much confidence as i could.

"Can I please meet you irl, i know you have a lot of phobias and aren't comfortable meeting in public but I can figure out a place to meet so please? Im freaking begging you here"

I held my breath and waited for a reply.

5 minutes pass


15 minutes pass


30 minutes pass


2 hours pass


1 day passes


3 days pass


1 week passes


Nothing. No reply. I grab my phone and block her number " it's better this way," I say closing messenger only for another text to pop up that read "yo criss me and alison are grabbing some beers at poor rich's wanna come along?" I re-open the cursed app and type

"Sure, i need one"

"K. were meeting up at 7 that work for u?

"Yea, cya there Wright"

I put on some clothes that actually look presentable and take a deep breath.

(time skip to 6:45 brought to you by the meme god)

I got to the bar early so I head in and sat at a booth in the corner and look at my phone as I drum my fingers on the back of it and hit unblock on caths contact. I know I shouldn't but I was curious. I see a few texts from earlier today and look at my screen with confusion as I read.
"Im sorry for not replying"

"Are you there??"


"I'll meet you just please respond"


"Please respo-

"Heya Chris!" Wright practically screamed from across the room making me drop my phone. I pick up my phone and sprint across the room " look wright i'm sorry but i have to go something just came up" i say frantically.

"Oh that sucks what happened" wright questioned.

I frantically searched for something to say since I can't tell him 'i've had a crush on a girl for two years and oh yeah i've never met her and now I have a chance to' so I say the first thing that comes to my head.

"Oh uhh... my mom's dying" i managed to spit out of my mouth, and immediately regretted it. Wright and my mom were closer than anyone. "What hospital?!" wright said with a sense of urgency in his voice, "I can't say i got to go!" I say screaming as I run out to my car, get in, and start the ignition.

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