A Small Rebellion

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A/N: Me again! Just a heads up that this chapter also gets pretty NSFW, a little more explicit than the previous one. So consider this your warning. Enjoy ^,..,^

 My eyes wearily pulled their sleepy lids open as elbows gave way to satisfying, yet tired, cracks. I gave a subtle notice to the unfamiliarity of my nakedness beneath the feather-light bed sheet, that tickled my leg hairs.

It felt nice, if a bit strange. A bed this large felt nice too, and that was when I remembered the body beside me. A wave of consciousness shook my body awake into alertness when this realisation came upon me, and I rolled to my left, spying the curvature of the silhouette before me.

I could tell he was leaning on his elbow, resting his head in the palm of his hand, and something told me he was looking in my direction even though I could not see the features through the curtain of darkness we'd fallen into. The occasional glint of mercurial silver was all I had that allowed me to locate his eyes when it passed by, like a pair of falling stars streaking across an impossibly dark sky. Here one instant, then gone before one could say with certainty that it was there.

I was cautious then, like none of this could possibly be a reality. Things like this do not happen to people like me. Or at least, not for long. Which made me feel nervous for what could be: what terrifying beast would pry me open with glittering jaws this time? Would they take Aramis from me, or would they afford me at least this happiness? Just once...

My hand found the taut, soft skin of his biceps and I was pleased to find it grounding, settling my chest somewhat.

"I might need a new bed... Or at least a metal one" His voice came through, the smile on his mouth telling through his tone. I furrowed my brow in confusion, my mind not yet clear enough from whatever sleep I had pulled myself from. Surely we couldn't of been aggressive enough to break the bed. Although the thought did bring an appeased smile to myself as if I could wear such a task as a point of triumph.

I felt Aramis shuffle his weight along the bed, leaving me wanting and clawing after the space he left, but with a click; light filled the room from the bedside lamp. Painting it with a mild yellow reminiscent of the dawn, and causing me to rub my tired eyes as I tried to pull some form of focus.

What I found, when they eventually did so, caused an even more confused look upon my face. The two boards at the bottom and top of the bed had begun to sprout. What was quite clearly once polished, and presumedly, dead wood; now had buds of leaves peeking through the grain. They stretched their corners proudly upwards, like there was an invisible sun, centred in the middle of the room and they reached towards it. A smattering of vines, had coiled somewhat around the ornate peaks at each of the bed's corners, clutching to the wood as if the most fertile soil lay beneath the carpet.

"Was that..." I began, giving a small cough to clear my throat "me?" My fingers furtively stroked at the three edges of one of the leaves, tentatively feeling the veins beneath it. It was alive, that's for sure. For how long I couldn't say, I wasn't the most astute when it came to horticulture or botany, but I knew a thing or two.

"I think so. The fire was real too, by the way." He said, immediately catching my gaze as I whipped my head around to meet him with a wide eyed panic. My mind briefly flashing back to what couldn't of been more than a few hours ago; my fingers pulling along the geography of his back. I thought I'd imagined it. It's what it felt like after all.

"I'm okay. To be honest, I actually kind of liked it. Like a lot. Fast healing has it's advantages I suppose" He grinned mischievously, pulling my shocked hand from my mouth and pushing his way onto me before I could protest.

I could feel myself beginning to stir once again, my hand clutching the side of his jaw, refusing to go down anywhere else as his lips met mine. The kiss felt like he was dripping honey from his mouth. Golden, sweet, and life giving. It deepened when I felt his tongue push inwards, somehow calling forth a happy hum from the depths of my chest. I rose a little higher arching my waist towards him as his hand lay gently gripping on to my hip, hungry for that contact once more.

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