Hungover Opinions

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 "You shouldn't have asked me to do that..." I grumbled, staring groggily into the gently steaming cup of tea in front of me. I was in agony. Movement seemed impossible. My mouth tasted awful, and my stomach refused to settle. Not even the most masochistic person finds a hangover fun.

Luckily, Victoria seemed to be suffering as much as I was. She wore thick, wide, sunglasses, and a wide-brimmed sun hat, despite being indoors. Her delicate fingertips rubbed attentively at her temples as her eyebrows breached the top of her glasses in an accusatory manner.

"Alcohol aside, I didn't think you'd actually look. I thought you'd spit in his palm and say 'There's the swimming pool' or whatever. I was mainly looking for an excuse for you to touch him. Gods know it's about time you got some strange" She sipped from her coffee, relishing it as if it were her lifes-blood, while I sat there spluttering on my own beverage that apparently saw her words as the signal to attack my lungs.

"I-I didn't. I wouldn't--" I could feel my face immediately begin to redden. Bitch.

"Calm down, I'm only teasing. He at the very least, finds you attractive, so I assumed it'd be a lot easier than you tend to make things. Or did I just mishear when I interrupted last night?" She cooed, taking one hand off of her mug to place it gently on my own, as she smiled in her knowing way.

"No, you didn't mishear" I commented, rolling my eyes as I tried to bury my face deeper into the cup of tea before me. "He expressed that he liked me, yes. Man... I don't know. He's very confident, and pushy, and- -"


"No. Yes. I mean- - I haven't thought about it. I don't think about it. Should I be thinking about it?" I sighed heavily, immediately cursing under breath as the sudden sharp movement served only to remind me of my hangover.

"Oh, sweetie... Yes. Yes you should think about it. It's not a necessity, so don't let anyone ever tell you that 'you've got to be in a relationship to be happy'. But it's certainly an experience often worth having. Not to mention sex. Sex is good." She laughed, almost cackling in her usual manner, before hissing and gripping the side of her head as if it would soothe the headache.

There is a spell for fixing a hangover. In a community where celebration and festivities happen eight times a year, it was an inevitability. We were just too hungover to get up and do it.

"So what did you see?" She asked, bringing up her drink up to her lips that were still, immaculately painted.

"Oh, he's a Vampire" This time it was her turn to choke on her drink, as I sipped nonchalantly on my own. She mopped at her chin with the sleeve of her cardigan, coughing and spluttering as she gasped for breath.

"What?" She croaked

"I'm pretty certain of it. There's only so many ways the image of blood, sex, and fangs can be interpreted right?" Victoria's face was a strange concoction of shock, and concern. At least that's what I could interpret from behind the lenses of her Sunglasses.

"We should probably tell someone..." She muttered, gaining her composure.

"Why? They're just neighbours, and they seem okay. Besides, there is the very likelihood of those we need to tell, already knowing, and therefore would only be smug on the fact that 'they already know,' you know?" I responded, understanding her worry.

Vampires had a... muddied reputation at best. Their worst traits, undoubtedly exaggerated by anyone who would tell you, being that they're manipulative, murderous, greedy, and not to mention lecherous.

Although I'm sure, that they're just as varied as humans and what not. Just centuries old racism and bad blood, that doesn't have the good sense to die and remain so.

"Victoria... What's wrong?" I asked, as she had gone uncharacteristically quiet since I'd mentioned Vampires. Her hands had tightened around her coffee mug and she had pulled her arms a bit closer. She was uncomfortable by this new knowledge. She shuffled at my voice, like I'd pulled her from a train of thought or trance, and smiled gently.

"Nothing I--"
"Liar" I smirked, earning a surprisingly easy sigh of defeat from Victoria.

"I just... I don't like them okay? I don't like what they can do. I don't like what they're like, and if I'd known what they were yesterday, I would never have gone to that party. For all I know they could've... Done things while we were passed out drunk" She blurted out, rubbing the sides of her neck uneasily.

To say I was surprised would be an understatement. Victoria was usually so open minded about everyone, that it was almost impossible for her to even come close to disliking you based on hearsay alone. They say that the first impression is always the most important, but for Victoria, it was always the second one that meant more to her.

We sat there in silence for a good few minutes. Victoria, fumbling with her coffee mug and staring into the deep brown of it's ripples. Like it would whisk her away at any moment.

"Well they didn't, did they?" I asked, deciding to split the silence. I could tell by the slight growl in her voice that she would've preferred a change of topic, and her unease told me that she knew that she understood her way of thinking was wrong. Especially when compared with how she treats everyone else.

"No. I don't think so..." She groaned in defeat "Look, I see your point. I'll get over it, I promise. But for now, I don't trust them."  

A/N: Hey guys! Thought I'd finally put a little Author's Note here, just to let you guys know that I really appreciate everyone who's reading this. This is my first story posted on Wattpad, and the first time in a few years that I've tried to get back in to writing. I've got some interesting things, so hold on to your horses, because it's about to get wild.

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