Casting Stones

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 I frowned at the contact when our hands interlaced with each other for the first time as we walked. It felt so strange, so alien, so childish and yet... Nice. It was like there was a procedural pulse of warmth and happiness from this simple connection that caused a contented smile to constantly be plastered on my face.

We couldn't always walk side by side, manoeuvring through the forest wouldn't allow it. But we seemed to have a silent determination not to let go of each other as we stepped over winding roots and down steep banks. Aramis would take powerful strides forward to take the lead and guide me onwards. Complete with happy giggles and laughter when I stumbled every now and then.

But as all things, if only temporary, we had to let go eventually. We stopped at the main road that cut through the forest for the odd passing traffic, hands still clasped together as he yanked me towards his chest and we shared a gentle, yet passionate, kiss. Pressing our lips possessively against each other, and releasing with a happy hum and sigh before parting ways. Then I felt strange and alien without his hand in mine. Frowning at my palm as I felt the last lingering traces of his touch leave a happy warmth in my hand.

It didn't take me long to make it home. Discovering that Aramis had already sent me a few text messages, proclaiming we should meet somewhere less private next time. Declaring that we should have breakfast or lunch or something in town. Of course I accepted, as I stepped towards my room, smiling like a goof the entire way, not bothering to acknowledge any of the other house members that were partaking in idle chatter as I passed the lounge.

I spent some time lying on my bed, smiling. I felt like my chest would lift me from the confines of gravity as it made happy flutters at the memory of the day. Despite its events and the implications which suddenly dawned on me, it had been a good day.

I reached over to the small wooden box at my side grasping for the soft, smooth stones on the inside.

Sliding off my bed and onto the wooden floor, pursing my lips in anticipation as I gathered them all into my hands, unsure of what they would say, I blew a gentle, steady breath, into my cupped palms. My heart fluttered as my eyes opened, and a gentle tingling manifested in my wrists that slowly crawled up the back of my hands, and spilled out over my finger tips.

With one, dashing, movement; I cast the stones on the floor. They clattered familiarly as they rolled and eventually came to a stop.

Thurisaz – Wunjo – Raidho

Those were the three that caught my attention immediately. I furrowed my brow in frustration. Whether the idea that carved stones could tell the future or simply just make you aware of things you already knew, but had not yet acknowledged; I got an uneasy feeling from these runes. To me they implied a betrayal, and remembering that Flint had mentioned that they were told by someone where to find Aramis and/or me, it only aligned my thinking, and I didn't like it. Not one bit.

There came a steady knocking at my door.

"Hello? V? Can I come in?" The sweet voice of Victoria tuned through the door. I scurried to gather up my stones, shutting them closed in the box as the door squeaked open. "Hey, how's it going?" she said, looking like she had just gotten back from work.

"Hey! How was work?"

"It was boring, as per usual. Well, it's been eventful the passed few days with everyone buzzing over what had happened, but that got old real quick" She sighed, tumbling onto my bed as I studied her curiously. Could it be her that tipped off the Werewolves? I shook my head with a chuckle, dashing the thoughts from my mind as I lay down beside her. Our faces watching each other like we did so often in the Gardens as kids.

"So. Did you know Jace was a Werewolf?" I mentioned, watching for her reaction. She sat up, and I couldn't read her expression. Somewhere between shock and confusion was plastered on her face and it was hard to discern which one had the forefront.

"Oh come on! There's no way that's true. I would have known, especially after we- -"

"Fucked?" I grinned, expecting a blush, but was only met with a similar grin.

"Hells yeah we did. Twice on the day, we met, and once at the house party" She boasted

"At the house party!? When!?" I bawked.

"Eh, there was a moment of peace where we slipped away. I was horny, he was horny, you know how it is" She said nonchalantly, chuckling at the slight shock on my face. Before she swatted me with the back of her hand. "I guess him being a Wolf makes sense though... Looking back on things... How do you know he's a Werewolf though? Are you sure?"

"Well there's nothing concrete. I'm not as sure as I was when learning Aramis was a Vampire. I went for a walk in the woods today and I --"

"You should've been resting" she scolded

"Bah! It was more jaw that got crushed not my legs. Anyway, let me finish. I went for a walk in the woods, and I saw him and Flint looking for something there. I just put two and two together. I never met the Pack. Dad would never let me come along for meetings when I was younger, and it just kinda... phased out from there. To be honest, I'd almost forgotten altogether that there was a pack of Lycanthropes nearby" It was only a little lie about how/where I'd seen them. Judging by her reaction to Vampires when I'd first told her about them, I didn't want to see what she'd be like if she knew I spent the day making out with one of them.

"Yeah, me too..." She sighed in agreement, nodding her head as she closed her eyes and fell back onto the bed. Blocking them with her forearm as she muttered in quiet contemplation.

"Hey..." I comforted as I began to run my fingers through her long hair, "You got busy with a Werewolf. That's pretty cool..."


"So what's he like? I take it he prefers doggy-style?" I jabbed, earning a scoff from Victoria as she thumped my shoulder with her fist, retreating into a smile as she pleasantly accepted me playing with her hair.

"Actually no. Except at the party, but we had limited options then." She chuckled. She'd deny it, but I could see the gentle reddening of her cheeks as she began to blush. "He's really nice... Like... Really nice... Even though we both just kinda, got together for a casual hook up, we kinda haven't stopped since? Like, I dunno... We talk when we can, which is all the time, and I don't want to go throwing labels on things, but... I mean, do we need to? Ugh, this is confusing."

"Have you tried talking to him about it? Maybe you need to establish whatever this is. If you like him, he makes you feel good and not just when he's fucking up your walls-" She swatted me again as I laughed "Then maybe you should try officially dating? It's twenty-nineteen. Take him out. Make him swoon. That sorta stuff, ya know? I've never been on a date in my life, so I could be talking crap, but I'd like to think you know what I'm getting at"

"You mean, be an adult?"

"Something like that, yes"

"Ugh, maybe... There's a fair coming to town for the weekend. We should go, the three of us. We might pick someone up for you while we're there so you're not feeling like a total third wheel"

"And how do you know I won't have someone of my own?" I questioned defiantly. Immediately cursing myself silently. That was probably a mistake, as she raised an eyebrow inquisitively.

"Oh? Who? Tell me immediately!" She ordered, and I felt myself shrink at my slip up.

"Oh ye of little faith..." I said, tapping my lips with my finger and smirking knowingly in an attempt to deflect her questions with a confident air of mystery.

"Fucker... Anyway... You wanna go?"

"Uh... Maybe... We'll see I suppose won't we?" I smiled, shrugging my shoulders as I lay back down onto the bed.

A/N: There we go pets! Sorry about it being mostly dialogue, but I felt it was necessary to set up the next chapter. As always; please consider voting and commenting. I'd appreciate it very much. Thanks for reading!

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