A change

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*6 year timeskip*

Naruto's POV

It's my birthday. One of the most miserable days of my life.

It's morning and I'm sitting in my room. I can hear my parents waking up my siblings and singing happy birthday. I waited and nothing.

"Great... they forgot bout me..." I mumble and get up. I roll the sleeping bag I sleep in and get in the shower. I dress and prepare a cup noodle soup.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY KIT!! Make a wish!! ON THE NOODLES!!!" I suddenly hear Kurama cheer. 'Hehe you remembered!! Arigato!!!' I thank back.

I finish eating and crawl out of my room window. My room is on the second floor, along with all the other rooms. So I land on the roof and jump down again. I had my saved Ryo specifically for this day!
(Ryo is money)

I slowly walk down the street with glares and stared burning holes on me. I didn't mind though, as long as they didn't touch me, I'll be fine.

I take a turn on a curve when I spot my parents and my siblings. They were exiting a movie theater, laughing, smiling, eating dango and holding balloons. I longed that happy feeling with my family.

I feel a giant lump in the back of my throat. 'That would be my life if I was loved..'

My vision blurred because of sad tears forming in my eyes. My body froze and started shaking. I turn and ran the opposite direction. 'Why? Why was my life so miserable and why am I so hated?' I run for who know for how long until I bump into something... or someone...

"What the hell?!? It's the demon!!" He yelled and grabbed me by the shirt collar. I couldn't see his face because my eyes wouldn't stop tearing up. I could still see a gang of men behind him obviously getting on to what this man was intending to do to me.

I gulped and held my breath. Closing my eyes and preparing for an incoming hit.  A blast was sent to the side of my head.  All I could hear was a high pitch ring and muffled voices. I felt dizzy, as it the world was spinning really fast. I was then dragged into a dark... alley? Yea.

"Hold on kit I'm healing the hit... there...the dizziness should stop now..." I heard from the back of my mind. 'Thanks now I can see straight'. I sit up and look at the gang. They were whispering to each other until one of them left the alley. Seconds later he comes back with a... silver bat!?!?

My heart quickens and I start breathing hard. 'Oh no kura- they'll- it's- please!' "Hold on kit it's ok. Shhhh calm down don't look at them, it's ok."
I look away, I curl up into a ball and cover my head with my arms.

* 2 minutes before*

????? POV
(Guess who it is!!)—>
I saw a blond boy around my age run past me with tears in his eyes. 'Poor boy'. I thought 'I wonder what's wrong.' I grab my guardian's sleeve and tug it slightly.

He turns to me and crouches to my height. "yes sir?" He asked through his monkey anbu mask. "Lets see what's wrong with him." I said and pointed at the running boy. He nods and teleports us closer to the boy.

We walked after him and watch as he bumps into a villager and gets dragged into an alley. Me and my guardian look at each other and we walk faster.

I turn the corner and I see the same boy on his knees curled up into some ball and a man with a bat over his head ready to bring it down. I run in between the boy and the man in a defensive stance. "Wha-? Get out the way boy, that brat you're defending deserves to die!" The man yells attempting to push me away.

"No way! You are going to hurt a little boy with a bat! No way I'm letting that happen!" I yell back.

I saw my guardian in the corner of my eye watching carefully. I smirk slightly at this. "Fine, l'll beat both of you some sense." He yells and brings the bat back over his head. Right when he was going to bring it down my guardian shunshin in front of me stopping the bat.

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