Chapter 12

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I'm walking into McDonalds which is where Kylee and Jase agreed to meet with me. It's Saturday afternoon, April 27th. When I see them I see a familiar face sitting in a booth behind them. Her hair is cut in a short bob and her glasses go down to the tip of her nose. It's when I see the shirt she's wearing that I recognize her.

It's the same girl I hit with the changing room door. Her head is in a book, but when I sit down in front of Kylee, she looks up. We make eye contact and her mouth opens slightly. Her cheeks flush pink then she looks down back to her book.

"Hey." Kylee says with a smile. "We ordered some McCafes if you wanted to get something." Kylee looks happy so I expect the conversation to be a good one, but Jase looks a little nervous.

He has black thick hair that hangs low above his eyes. He wears a royal blue button down which brings out his natural tanned skin with some black jeans.

"I think I'm good. I just had lunch with a coworker." I say and Kylee nods.

"Well, we have some good news." Kylee says cheerfully. She looks over at Jase with a smile. "We talked it over, and we both agree that you should have full custody over the baby." My heart skips a beat and my smile grows.

Kylee continues, "But all I ask is that you tell the baby about me." At this she looks nervous.

"Why wouldn't I?" I ask with a smile. "You're the mother of course."

Kylee lets out a sigh. "I just don't want the baby to think of me badly though. Leaving you a single father and running off with another man while still being pregnant." She shrugs and looks down. "Also... Jase and I were planing on moving to Chicago for his work."

She looks a little scared when she looks up at me and I reach out to squeeze her hand.

"Kylee." I say and she looks up. "I will talk about all the good things. And besides, it's not like you cheated. The baby will love you for taking such good care of it. I promise." Kylee giggles. It's random, but it matches her mood.

"We've also talked to a judge." Jase speaks up. He struggles with eye contact but after a second he catches my stare. "His name is Kyle Smith. Here is his card."

A business card is handed to me. It's a deep red with the words "let me take care of this" at the bottom. Kylee's number and work address are there as well.

"He helped a friend of mine go through divorce and also helped my aunt get full custody of my cousin when her abusive boyfriend wanted to have parental rights." Jase says.

I nod.

"He said he would like to meet with all of us next week sometime if you are free." Kylee adds. I hold up a finger and pull open my calendar in my phone. All next week I'm going to a class with Cole and Lauren at their church from 8:30 to 10.

"I'd have time any afternoon, except Tuesday and Wednesday because of work." I say and they both nod.

"We were thinking this Monday." Kylee says. "I know it's late notice, but we'd like to get everything cleared as soon as possible.... it's kind of stressing me out." She says with a laugh.

"That's perfect. How about we meet for lunch then head over?" I ask. Their faces brighten and Kylee nods. We sit and talk for a bit as they drink their drinks. Then the girl sitting in the booth behind them stands up. She walks towards the ordering line, leaving her book on the table.

"I think I'm going to order something real quick. Is that okay?" I ask and Kylee nods. I stand up and walk up behind the girl.

"Excuse me?" I ask gently tapping her shoulder.

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