Chapter 8

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Lauren cancels my interview with the coffee shop that was at 4 o'clock after I threw up again after breakfast.

It all came so suddenly. One moment I'm enjoying Lauren's soup she made for Cole and I. Then a few seconds after I loaded my bowl in the dishwasher I'm in the bathroom throwing it all up.

Cole had to get another washcloth and Lauren was at my side with a hand on my back in an instant.

I stayed in bed for the rest of the day. Lauren made me take my temperature and it turns out that it's not healthy to have a 105° temperature.My head burned and my stomach was constantly dropping.

Cole said that I looked hot... in a joking way and in a literal way.

The washcloth on my forehead was replaced every hour and Lauren was always ready to bring me to the bathroom and had a glass of ice water on my bedside table 24/7. I threw up three more times. Each time it was after I ate anything. Then Lauren called the doctor.

I heard her arguing that it was risky to have me in the car and that she'd like it if he came to the house. I few seconds later she was giving them the address.

The doctor told me I had gastritis, inflammation of the lining of the stomach. He said that the throwing up phase should be done by tomorrow morning and that I should be clear in a week. I asked about Wednesday and the doctor said I should just have minor stomach pains and cramps.

The doctor told us that regular Benadryl should be okay to use to reduce the pain, but that he had nothing to give me to make the process shorter. When he left Lauren told me to rest. She gave me a Benadryl and refilled my water then I fell asleep.

I didn't wake up until the next morning to Cole lightly nudging my shoulder. When I opened my eyes I heard him sigh.

"What?" I ask rubbing my eyes.

"I honestly thought you were dead. You fell asleep at 5:45 yesterday and it's 2 o'clock... in the afternoon." He said sitting on the floor against the closet.

"It's 2?" I sit up in disbelief and my head aches. My hands make their way to my head and the covers fall off my chest.

"Lauren told me to give you this before you sat up..." Cole says setting a Benadryl and water on my table hesitantly, "you moved too fast." I laugh a little then swallow the pill with the help of water.

"It's Tuesday though right?" I ask. Cole nods. We sit there for a bit and I feel my lower abdomen ache slightly. I pull the covers away and place my feet on the floor.

"I think Lauren wants you to stay in bed." Cole says standing up. But he helps me up anyway.

"Lauren is crazy. And I've finally come to know it." I say and Cole laughs.

"And why have you just now figured this out?" He asks as he walks me to the bathroom.

"You just told me that I have slept for about 20 hours! And she wants me to sleep again? No way. I'm feeling more awake every second. Just the though of sleep makes me feel sick... literally." I rant. "If she wants me to rest she'll have to chain me down and put some kind of spell on me. Are you sure it's 2 o'clock? Cause I'm not big on sleeping. I go to bed around 11 then wake up around 7 or 8 every morning. If my stomach wasn't hurting so much I'd run away." By the time I'm done ranting Cole has turned on the faucet and placed a couple of towels on the counter.

"Don't leave." Cole laughs, "Lauren would get worried."He says this to get a rise out of me. Yes, all Lauren wants to do is care for me and make sure I am healthy. But I have spent way too much time with her and I'd really appreciate it if she would take away some of her care and place it on Cole.

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