Chapter 5

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The moving truck came and Mrs. Martin is there sitting in the front seat. I also see Laken hop out of the back of the car heading toward my door.

"Hey, Laken," I say. Laken waves and her ears turn red. "Oh, I've got something for you and your momma," I say and run back inside.

I come out with the flowers for them and Laken turns light pink on her whole face, not just her ears.

"Oh, Ryan." Mrs. Martin says waving a hand at the flowers. "What the heck are these for?"

"I want to thank you, guys. I mean, it's not much, but you guys are doing me a real favor." Mrs. Martin takes her flowers and Laken shyly takes the rose. She runs back to the car and takes a picture of it on her phone. Then we all head inside to grab my boxes.

Cole shows up 15 minutes later and helps us finish up. Their car is not all the way full so we decide to just do it all in one trip and we load the kitchen table and my couch as well.

Before leaving the house I do one last look in just to make sure I have everything. Mrs. Martin helps and we come back with some cleaning supplies that I forgot under the sink.

I put the cooler that I made that morning in the back as well then we head to the apartment. Cole says he has to help Lauren with something at their house so it's just me, Mrs. Martin, and Laken at the apartment.

Walking in I take in the surroundings. There are two rooms and a bathroom. The rooms consist of the half kitchen half living room and the other room is my bedroom. In the kitchen, there is a refrigerator, microwave, and oven. There's a sink, coffee maker and toaster as well on the counter. There is space for my couch in the living room, but no TV. There is a closet with a bunch of shelves right next to my bedroom door.

In the bedroom, there is a twin size bed with navy blue sheets next to a surprisingly large window that already has drapes which, thankfully, are navy as well. There is also a dresser and a closet.

The bathroom is a half bathroom with a small sink and cabinet mirror. After my look-around, we bring in the couch and table. Both rounds look awhile since there is no elevator and I'm on the third floor.

We took a small break by having a coke out of my cooler. Mrs. Martin and Laken helped me bring up the boxes, but something came up so I was left alone to empty them. I was smart to label all the boxes or else this would've lasted about another hour.

I started by setting all the boxes in the correct rooms. Then I emptied the ones in the kitchen. I put pots and pans under the small counter, cups, and glasses in the wooden cabinets, plates in cabinets on the other side of the kitchen, and silverware in a pullout drawer next to the fridge. I put all the cleaning supplies under the sink and placed my empty vase on the table.

I hung a picture of me and my sister right next to the entry door and another one of me and Cole in college next to the bathroom door.

I rolled out the mat that I had found in the garage yesterday that says "welcome" right outside my door as well.

In the bathroom, I set up my towels on the little rack and put my body and hair wash in the shower. I put a new roll of toilet paper on the empty roller then set up my other miscellaneous toiletries in the drawer. I put the one picture I had with Ms. O'Riley on the counter before turning off the light and heading to the bedroom.

I rip open my box of clothes and hang each one up neatly. I set all my ties in a drawer in the dresser along with my suspenders. I refold my jeans and put them in a drawer then I hang up my slacks. I filled up the rest of the dresser with socks, underwear and workout clothes.

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