"What happen- oh..." he stare at me

"Y-you fell asleep on my head. My neck start aching, I move and you fall" I explain

"Well...why did you move dumbass" he said as he sit up put his head on my shoulder

"Gonna continue my beauty sleep" he said

//time skip//

Everyone was busy doing their job but I still doesn't know...what hairstyle should I did to Jungkook. The manager didn't tell what hairstyle should I do. I was standing behing Jungkook, stiff.

"Yah...1 hour 30 minutes left. Just do whatever that suit the theme. I know you can do it"  Jungkook said

"Oh okay" I made up my mind doing something simple. Curl up his hair and made some volume and also parted it. After finishing...Jungkook went to wear his outfit before saying.

"I know you can do it and it's nice"


After some minutes BTS ready to make the show really fun.

//time skip//

They already did all the performance just Boy with luv left. Manager lead me to the side of the stage and I could see them not just in tv. The performance before...I just watch them on the tv but suddenly manager ask me to watch them at the side of the stage and I was excited. The song started and I saw Jimin suddenly forgot where his place was.

I was stunt at what Jungkook did at the last part. I didn't notice that my face start to heat up. My heart was saying "yah you're starting to have feeling for him" while my mind said "you're not having any feeling for him" and I decide to follow my mind. I met them at the back stage and Jungkook come and hug me.

"Woah....what's that for?"I ask sound calmly but my heart is beating really in a quick pace.

"I'm just happy, ARMY are happy. By the way...I saw you at the side of the stage" he said and I just nod

"But you're being extra on the last part" I said

"What extra? Oh do you mean by puking my lips?" He said while doing the puking lips again. And my heart skip a beat. "Oh you're freaking have feeling for this dude" my mind said finally

"Are you blushing?" He ask smirking

"No." I said as I ran away from him

Jungkook POV

She's really cute! Omg...shzjakskdhkf. Wait...why did I sound like I have a crush on her. Do I? No...


We already went back to Seoul. The manager need to send me to the entertainment first since my bicycle was there. So yea...we stop by.

"You sure you can ride the bicycle on 1 am? I can just ride your bicycle you just stay in the van and straightly went home with manager" Jungkook said

"I'm fine... you must be tired with this whole day" I said as I went out the van and head to my bicycle. I felt really tired and felt more worse cause I didn't bring my medicine. I rode my bicycle slowly as I arrive home within 30 minutes. I went in the house and no one's downstairs. Ofc...they're tired. I also felt really numb...I eat my medicine and plop myself on the sofa...feeling really tired to went upstairs.

Jungkook POV

I wake up suddenly and check my phone it was 2 15 am but Y/n is still not here and I'm worried. I went to Jin hyungs room and saw him sleeping with a mask on.

"Yah...Jin hyung..." I shake him

"What...." he said sleepy

"Y/n is still not here" I said

"Oh...let's find her downstairs"  he join me going down. We saw her sleeping on the sofa and sweating. Jin hyung put his palm in her forehead.

"She's burning. I thing she's got a fever"Jin hyung said

"Yea...she tell me before" I said

"You dumbass...but you still let her rode her bike in the cold night" Jin hyung scold me and I just apologize. Jin hyung ask me to bring her to our room as he went to take some wet towel to put on her head. The whole night...Jin hyung looks tired and I tell him to go to sleep. Y/n suddenly woke up.

"Go to sleep back..." I said but I saw her struggling to sleep like turning around every second. I decide to sing her...Euphoria since she like that song.


He started to sing Euphoria. I felt better even just hearing him singing...and I don't know why...he finish singing and I mumble

"I love your voices..." and I drift to sleep.

Jungkook POV

"I love you voices..." and she drift to sleep. I felt my heart beating even faster but I put it aside. And soon drift to sleep too.

Sorry for the late update. Sorry for any grammar mistake or typo and I hope you enjoy. And please vote.

-Beyond The Sky-[Jeon Jungkook FF]✓Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang