You're So Busted!

Start from the beginning

"Busted, huh, Cups?" The spoon taunted. "That's harsh..." It began to fix its tie as the other members continued to chuckle. "I guess we'll see you in one or two weeks, then? Or whenever you're done being grounded."

Kettle wasn't too fond of this group of kids. He had enough on his plate dealing with his troublesome little cup. Now he had even more children to figure out what to do with. That worry quickly went away when Grim put the others in their place.

"Keep moving, young ones! This doesn't concern you!" The dragon snarled, flattening his ears against his head. Smoke escaped from his mouth in small trails.

"No need to get huffy, you overgrown marshmallow." The spoon said, not seeming afraid of the large creature. "We've got better things to do anyway. Come on, guys!" With that, the utensil ushered the rest of them away from the scene. The young cup reverted his attention back to his guardian now that his peers were gone.

"Oh....well, Mugman said he could take care of himself." Cuphead quietly replied, now realizing that there was no real answer to justify why he left his little brother alone. He tried to avoid eye contact with his grandpa.

"That's not the point, Cuphead!" The kettle steamed. "You're supposed to be there for emotional support! To comfort your brother if he needs it! And keep him out of stressful situations!" The red cup tightly closed his eyes each time his grandfather added a reason he should be with Mugman instead of out playing pranks on the unsuspecting townsfolk.

"I'm sorry, Elder Kettle...." What else was there for the young cup to say at this point? He had realized the error of his decision, but there was no way to take back the fact that he left little Mugs by himself.

"Never leave your brother alone again!" Kettle's voice became loud and harsh. It was the glassware's form of reprimanding since he didn't believe in spanking his boys. Any form of physical repercussions was not right in the kettle's book. He watched as Cuphead closed his eyes shamefully and turned his head to the side. The young cup grabbed his right arm with the opposite hand. He stared down at the grassy ground. He did not know what more he could say other than he was sorry.

"For your sake, I hope he really is at home! And not hurt!" The elder added.

"....Or hurt someone else." Cup added with his gaze still at the ground.

"Exactly. Now let's go home."

"Need a lift?" Grim offered.

"Thanks, but no thanks, Grim." Kettle answered. "Could I ask you to scout ahead to make sure Mugs is at home before we get there?" It was better to find out quickly, especially if they needed Grim to search the island by air for the little mug.

"Consider it done." The dragon nodded. Elder Kettle then averted his attention to his boy.

"Come along, Cuphead." He said as he ushered the child forward with his cane. Cup was given a slight push in the direction of his home. It seemed to Grim that the cup child got off a bit too easy for disobeying his guardian. He knew that the kettle would never lay a hand on his grandsons. Grim was not normally big on punishments either, but he felt that this deserved more than just a raised voice to get the point across that he had done something wrong. Words alone did not seem to go very far with the young cup as far as punishments were concerned. Before taking flight, the green dragon sneakily let an ember slip off his tongue. The little ball of flame grew stubby arms and legs as well as a devious smile. It ran itself up behind the red cup. Bursting with giggles, the flame bounced off the seat of Cup's pants.

"Yee-ow!" The child yelped, immediately patting his rump with his gloved hands to douse the small fire. "Hey, watch it with the flames!" He yelled, shaking a fist at the dragon high up in the air. Both Kettle and Grim did not react to the cup's pouting. They had both heard it, but chose not to acknowledge it.

Cuphead and Mugman in "Fate Will Find You"Where stories live. Discover now