1. Just a quick look won't hurt...

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Nagisa's POV

I hesitatingly lay down, grabbing the nerve gear from besides my bed, the news playing in the backround as I place the nerve gear on my head slowly.

It all goes blank, but I'm not gone from this world yet.

"I'm off nagisa, be a good girl while you're gone!" My mother shouts from downstairs, her sickly sweet voice echoes around the room as the word girl rings in my ears like a nasty bug I just can't get rid of.

She's the whole reason I play these mmos...her mental personality disorder has developed for the worse, it affects me, my appearance, my health, my life...

"Cruel world..." I whisper, opening my ears slightly to the news which has been playing in the backround.

"Already we're seeing extremely long queue's from all around Tokyo, all for what? The amazing mmo, Sword Art Online, which was released today after 1000 beta testers got the chance to try it out. Game stores are running wild as fans from all over japan are lining up for the new game, produced by an anonymous game producer who goes by the name koro-sensei!"

I let out a sigh, turning my head gear on and breathing in sharply before shouting the line.

"Link start!"

And that's when my vision began to blur, before seeing a bunch of vibrant colours and codes flash before my eyes, it was all so beautiful, much more beautiful than the original world, but little did I know that soon I would be longing to go back there...

I did the usual logging into my account, checking all my settings before diving into this game which was sword art online and wow...it was stunning.

The graphics, the backround, the terrain, the whole virtual world was so breathtakingly beautiful, it's more than I could wish for in a world, if only this was reality

I scan the area to see that many other people are logging in and making themselves at home, chatting away to other players, creating parties and sharing the information they know...I wonder how many of them are catfishes?

This is useless, I want to fight...

I start running to a location I know where there will be some easy prey, darting off away from the safe zone to where some wild bores were roaming.

Once one had spotted me, I knew that it was time to fight... it's short, chubby legs come sprinting in my direction, fast, so I wield my sword, waiting for the right moment to attack.

With one swift move, I slice through the wild bore, spitting it's virtual body in half before it shatters into millions of holographic crystals.
No matter how many times I kill a creature, those crystals will never stop looking so beautiful to me.


I turn my head swiftly to see a tall, black haired boy, round about my age, being chased by the same type of bore I was fighting not long ago...he must be a new player..

I sigh, running towards the bore and slicing through it once again, checking my inventory to check out the loot it had dropped.

"10 gold, not too shabby..." I murmur to myself before looking down at the black haired boy, I swear I could see stars in his eyes.

"Wow...that was so awesome!" He cried, quickly standing up and getting all in my face

"It was nothing really...you new to these things?" I question, already knowing the answer, I just gotta confirm it

"Yeh, I managed to save up the money for a while just so I could play this game, I've always wanted to test out virtual reality, I didn't know it was this cool" he says, his eyes still all shiny, he must be passionate about this.

In this virtual world||karmaxnagisa||Where stories live. Discover now