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after the fake confession, he didn't kill me or hurt me in any way but he did put that tape back on my mouth.
what felt like days or even weeks, i felt like i just might die from starvation. my body was weak and unable to even move an inch. i felt like at any minute i could die. i never thought i'd actually want to die. it's better than living like this. stuck in some basement without any food or water. right when i felt like giving up, i heard that familiar thud from upstairs. i knew he was coming downstairs. i groaned as i tried to move to the furthest corner of the room as i heard the door open, causing light to fill the room.

thud thud thud thud THUMP!

a body came rolling down the stairs. my eyes widen when i realize who it was. it's my girlfriend... yongsun. i began crying as i saw her struggling to pick herself up. her ankle seemed to be twisted at an ungodly angle. my eyes began watering as i saw taehyung walk down the stairs as like nothing had happened.

"wah! this is going to be fun, right yongsun?"

"gah!" she screamed as she touched her ankle, "why are you doing this?! you fucking asshole! bitch!" she screamed as he tried making her way up the stairs but failed when she missed her stepped causing her to roll down the stairs and onto the ground with a thump.

"look at little yongsun. she couldn't be in this situation if you haven't left me for that pussy in the corner," he glanced at me before caring dangerous weapons over at me.

in front of me laid a knife, chainsaw, and a hammer which seemed to be covered in dry blood.

"you know you can't hurt me... i'm much stronger than you and skilled. so if i was you, i'd think twice about attacking me," he smirked at me before walking towards the female on the ground and picking her up by her hair, dragging her by the hair towards me.

"gah!" she screamed as she was being dragged. he let go of her dyed blonde strands and crouch down in front of me.

"kill her for me... wont you baby?" he said as he took off the tape off my hands before getting back up and grabbing a chair to sit on.

yongsun looked up at jungkook and instantly smiled at her boyfriend, unaware of what was to come for her. "jungkook, babe! i missed you so much.. i-i was looking for you a-an-"

"jungkook.. that's your name huh? hurry up and kill her. if you don't then i'll kill the both of you."

yongsun broke out crying but forced on a smile, "kill me..." she said in a broken voice.

i shook my head, feeling the tears in my eyes as i listened to her words.

"jungkook kill me! save yourself, baby..."

shaking my head, i began crying out seeing her in a weak state. i've always seen her as this happy and hilarious girl with the kindest heart. i cant-

"you have one minute. save yourself or i'll kill both of you." the man smirked as he crossed his arms, enjoying the show that we were putting on.

"please kill me... do it..." she cried as he placed her head down on the floor, sobbing. "DO IT!" she screamed as she saw me shake my head.

i reached over for the knife and held it with my shaky hands. i crawled over towards the female and looked down at her broken self. i shook my head, i can't do it-

"i love you..." she smiled weakly before grabbed the knife with my hands on it and pulled it towards her, stabbing her right in the stomach.

my eyes widen as i see blood rushing out of her body. "mMMM!" i mumbled underneath the tape on my mouth as i watched her eyes slowly lose its color.

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