File 26: Oracle

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"So you've chosen The Rack as your torture method," announced Minny.

"It was the choice that will deal the less pain to me," replied Oracle in a monotone voice, "Not that it super matters anyway."

Oracle was a teenage girl with orange hair, similar to Exodus. She had large glasses and wore a white hoodie.

"We don't have Dante's Rack," explained Wraith, "So we've gone with a more barbaric method."

On both ends of Oracle, there were red wolves biting on her limbs. Each minute, the wolves would back away, slowly pulling apart Oracle as she was being interrogated.

"I've been wondering," asked Lettuce, taking charge of the interrogation, "Why did you show yourself? You could've left the moment you saw Lightness and Darkness in trouble."

"Zetsu told me to negotiate," replied Oracle in the same monotonous voice, "If we can't kill you, we're going to do our best to super persuade you."

"Persuade us?" asked Minny quietly, "Didn't your gang kill Samuel, the latest Draiocht Capo?"

"It is clear that you have been fed super lies."

"Tell us your alibi."

"We were investigating the death of Butcher, trying to find out why he would go as far as to kill another Capo. Power wasn't what he truly wanted. It super didn't correlate. This is why Chaotic and CG4 traveled to the former Draiocht Capo's building.

There, the whole place was ransacked. It was almost like a crime scene. Butcher had no reason to thrash the building around, especially after killing the Capo in one blow with a butcher knife. However, it seemed like Butcher was super determined to destroy everything inside the house.

We had known that the Capo had some hidden documents, just like any other Capo, but they were all gone. We began to question if maybe Butcher took them, so Darkness and Lightness investigated Butcher's kitchen. What they found was super confidential!"

"Confidential?" asked Lettuce, interested, "What did they find?"

"Documents," replied Oracle, "Messages. Some by mail, and others were created into transcripts from text messages. It was super long, almost stretching to the ground if you were to hold it in front of you. Whoever sent the messages and received the messages were redacted. Most of the messages were daily messages, normal ones that you'd usually send. However, there were some messages that were redacted, definitely super confidential.

So far, only Zetsu had the ability to read the messages, displaying us the details. You see, to make things simple, it was a super secret plan to kill the Boss."

"Kill the Boss!?" asked the gang, shocked, "You were trying to betray the Boss?"

"He's super corrupt with power. Everyone has been thinking about it. Anyways, the plan was to use some sort of technique only known by a select few people, and we were trying to find where those people are," continued Oracle, "However most of them were super dead, eliminated by the Boss. All hope wasn't lost however, because we found out that there is one living person who still knows of the technique.

A rabbit."

"A rabbit?" asked Inferno, confused, "You're bullshitting us!"

"It's the super truth!" said Oracle as she was stretched by the wolves for punishment, "The rabbit is currently being protected by Zetsu. We stole it from the Messenger. They're probably going to come to retrieve it now!"

"Wait, hold on!" asked Wraith, concerned, "What is that rabbit? What's its importance?"

"The Messenger," explained Oracle, "He has the ability of Evolution Magia. This allows him to transform humans into any animal that he wants. We don't know who the rabbit is, but we do know that it's a person inside that rabbit! And that rabbit super knows the way to kill the Boss!"

"If what the Oracle is saying is true," said Exodus, "Then that means that the Boss lied to us! What a jerk!"

"We still pledged loyalty to the Boss," replied Minny, staring at her metal finger that Samuel gave her, "We can't let him down now. Oracle, we'll let you live on one occasion: That you tell us of Zetsu's abilities. We still need to assassinate him. We'll deal with the Boss' lies later."

"I can't just betray Zetsu!" said Oracle, "He'll super kill me! Not only that, but the future I foresee for you guys.. it'll end in death if you go against the Boss! Four up and three down!"

"We won't let him kill you," replied Minny, "I'll change what I said previously. If we gain knowledge of his abilities, we'll incapacitate him. Then, we can hide you all somewhere safe, where the mafia won't find you, despite how hard that may be. For the Boss, we'll take care of matters. We're one of the strongest gangs in Italy. We can take him on. Now we just need your cooperation, Oracle."

Oracle thought about it. There was a chance she could live, or get torn up by the demon wolves pulling on her limbs.

"Alright," replied Oracle shakily, "Zetsu's Magia is—"

The demon wolves were thrown to the floor, tearing up Oracle into two pieces, blood splattering on the ground and entrails scattered on the floor as her glasses broke on the impact. The gang turned towards Dante, confused on why he would order his wolves to kill her right on crucial information.

"Not.. me..!" replied Dante.

"Oy vey," said a voice, "Having to use Magia to kill Oracle. I warned you once before not to talk about my ability, Oracle. It was clear you didn't listen."

The man had scarlet hair, drooping down to his neck. He had a scar on his lip, and wore a black vest.

"Zetsu!" whispered Minny in frustration.

"As for you all," stated Zetsu, "I don't need help in killing the Boss. I can do it myself. First, I'll have to eliminate you all for destroying the team I needed to take him down without the slightest chance of fail.

And with my power, I don't even need to use my Magia offensively to kill you."

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